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中国电机工程学会第十三届青年学术会议论文集干式变压器的强迫风冷散热研究及其影响因素分析杨帆 1,程鹏 1,胡晓锐 2,郑可 2,陈伟 2(1. 输配电装备及系统安全与新技术国家重点实验室(重庆大学),电气工程学院,重庆 400044; 2. 重庆电力科学试验研究院,重庆,400013)Research on forced air cooling of dry-type transformer and analysis of influencing factorsCHENG Peng1, YANG Yongming1, CHEN Tao2, YANG Fan1(1. State Key Laboratory of Power Transmission Equipment System Security and New Technology (Chongqing University), College of Electrical Engineering, Chongqing 400044,China; 2. ChongqingPower Scientific Experiments Research Institute, Chongqing 400013, China)摘要:随着城市用电负荷的快速增长,在夏季用电高峰时,越来越多的城市小区配电房内干式变压器采用强迫 风冷方式散热来确保其安全运行。本文根据传热学和流 体力学的基本原理,建立了容量为 1000kVA 的环氧树脂 干式变压器传导、对流和辐射换热相互耦合的三维共轭 传热模型,给出了求解域内的基本假设及相应的边界条 件条件,并确定了各部分的损耗参数,采用有限元法对 干式变压器在自然风冷和强迫风冷两种方式下的三维温 度场进行了数值计算与对比分析,验证了强迫风冷方式 对于干式变压器散热的有效性。在该模型的基础上,分 析了 4 种不同因素对干式变压器温度的影响规律,对干 式变压器在强迫风冷方式下的热特性分析和优化设计具 有指导意义。ABSTRACT: With the rapid growth of urban power load, forced air cooling is used to guarantee the safe operation of dry-type transformers in more and more urban power distribution substation during the peak summer season. According to heat transfer theory and the basic principle of hydromechanics, the three-dimensional conjugate heat transfer model of conduction, convection and radiation of 1000kVA epoxy resin cast dry-type transformer is established, which is calculated numerically and analysed by using finite element method based on some basic assumptions, corresponding boundary conditions and loss parameters of each part. The three-dimensional temperature field distributions of dry-type transformer in the natural air cooling way and forced air cooling way are compared and analysed, which proves the effectiveness of forced air cooling for dry-type transformer. Based on this model, thecorresponding effective laws between the four different关键词:干式变压器;强迫风冷;共轭传热;有限元法1 引言随着城市用电负荷快速增长,城市小区配电 房数量也随之快速增长,以重庆为例,2011 年 底全市小区配电房数量超过 2200 多个。干式变 压器与油浸式变压器相比,具有防火


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