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毕业设计专业:机械设计制造与自动化班级学号:1203411001学生姓名:指导教师:二〇一四年十一月前言在二十一世纪最重要的是科技,随着科技的发展,机械行业也在快速的发展,在发展的同时机械类行业也得到了改朝换代;平口钳是工业里的装夹与定位的工具,比如模具加工行业、机械制造行业、武器制造行业等都可以见到它的身影;在行业里它适用于各个岗位,比如作业装夹,钳工的后期处理、质检工的检测、维修工的修理等;在作业装夹时,平口钳可以调整角度、可以调整装夹时的松紧程度,并且平口钳可以在各种机器上运用,其中包括普通车床、铣床;数控车床、铣床、磨床、锯床等,在工作中它可以调整角度,可以作用于不规则的零件制造,在大批量的生产中它可以快速的提高生产效率,并且在运用上也极其方便,可以称之为工人的左右手,为了使工人的工作更加的效率,也为了可以节省更多的成本;所以要对平口钳的设计做出更科学的、更合理的规划,节约成本,体现效率等。Translation:In the 21st century the most important thing is that science and technology, with the development of science and technology, the development of machinery industry is rapidly, at the same time in the development of machinery industry also got a succession;Parallel-jaw vice is a tool for clamping and positioning in the industry, such as mold processing industry, machinery manufacturing industry, weapons manufacturing industry and so on can see the figure of it;It is suitable for all positions in industry, such as clamping, fitter of post processing, quality inspection workers of detection and repair of repair, etc.;When the clamping of the operation, flat pliers can adjust the Angle, can adjust the tightness of the clamping, and flat pliers can be used in all kinds of machines, including ordinary lathe, milling machine;Numerical control lathe, milling machine, grinding machine, sawing machine, etc., it can adjust the Angle, in the work can be applied to irregular parts manufacturing, in mass production it can quickly improve the efficiency of production, and also very convenient in use, can be called the workers right-hand man, in order to make the workers work more efficiency, also can in order to save more costs;So to the design of flat pliers to make a more scientific and more reasonable planning, cost savings, reflect efficiency and so on.平口钳的设计目的在现代机械制造中尤其是数控加工中,平口钳是必不可少的。它起固定工件的作用,从而有利于机加工。平口钳的制造好坏与它可以实现的功能在保证零件精度和加工范围方面发挥着重要作用。随着社会的发展,平口钳逐渐成为了机械行业中的一种产业,采用规模化经营的理念进行生产。这就对平口钳的精度和应用范围有了更高的要求,如果精度和应用范围达不到要求供货商就会产生大量废品甚至整批零件报废,这将给企业带来较大的经济损失。因此,我的毕业设计就提高平口


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