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第 17 卷第 2 期广 西 右 江 民 族 师 专 学 报2004 年 4 月VoI. 17 - No. 2JOURNAL OF YOUJIANG TEACHERS COLLEGE FOR NATIONALITIES GUANGXIApr. 2004张 学 良 的 爱 国 主 义 思 想 与 实 践王文鸾( 首都经济贸易大学人文学院,北京100026)[ 摘 要] 张学良的爱国主义思想与实践,涉及到政治、经济、教育和人格诸方面。政治上,他 力促国家统一但走了一些弯路,由息争统一到统一抗日再到抗日统一,是一个曲折中前进螺旋式上升 的过程;经济上,他注重发展和保护民族工商业,鼓励华侨回国投资,对农村经济也给予特别关注,并 系统提出了开发建设西北的思想;教育上,他出资办小学、中学和大学,提出了“ 德智体群美”五育并 重的教育方针;人格上,他光明磊落、无私无畏、淡于荣利,一切以国家民族为重。张学良的爱国主义 思想不仅具有全面性、系统性,而且还具有很强的操作性、实践性;不仅具有深沉的忧国忧民意识,而 且落实在爱国救国的具体行动上;不仅要求别人,而且身体力行率先垂范。张学良的爱国主义思想无 疑具有丰富的内容和鲜明的特点,但同时也具有一定的难以避免的历史局限性。[ 关键词] 张学良;爱国主义;思想与实践[ 分类号] G414[ 文献标识码] A [ 文章编号]1008 - 8113(2004)02 - 0055 - 11Patriotic Thoughts and Practice of Zhang Xue - liangWANG Wen - luan( College of Humanities,Capital University of Economics and Business,Beijing 100026,China)Abstract:Patriotic thoughts and practice of Zhang Xue - Iiang invoIve many aspects such as poIitics, economy,education and personaIity. In poIitics,he made great efforts to contribute to the unity of the whoIe country though he met obstacIes,experiencing preventing civiI wars and fighting against the Japanese. In e- conomy,he deveIoped and protected nationaI industry and business,encouraging oversea Chinese to invest in China,and paying much attention to the ruraI economy. He put forth the idea on how to deveIop and construct systematicaIIy the west. In education,he put some money to run primary schooIs,middIe schooIs and universities,and suggested the poIicy of education that moraIity,inteIIigence,physicaI education, coIIectiveness and aesthetic shouId be paid eguaI attention to. In personaIity,as a man for the motherIand and for the whoIe nation,he is a person of frankness,unseIfishness and indifference to fames. The patriotic thoughts of Zhang Xue - Iiang show comprehensiveness,systematicness and practicabiIity. His patriotism Iies in his deeds to do Iots of things for our country. As a modeI,his patriotism is rich in contents and fuII striking features,but some of its restriction deserved our attention


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