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第34卷第 11期                      哈  尔  滨  工  程  大  学  学  报                    Vol.34 №.11 2013年11月                    Journal of Harbin Engineering University                       Nov.2013 双工况空气源热泵变工况调节特性试验研究 陈剑波,王玉 (上海理工大学环境与建筑学院,上海200093) 摘  要:针对目前能源危机日趋严重而建筑能耗日益增加的问题,在保证人体舒适度的前提下,利用直流压缩机高效、变 速等特点,一台机组设置2个出水口分别连接地板辐射空调系统和生活热水系统,设计了双工况直流变速控制的空气源 热泵冷热水机组.通过变工况试验可知:机组通过调节压缩机频率对出水温度进行控制,避免了机组反复启停带来的大 量能量消耗和对电网的冲击,并且双工况直流控制热泵冷热水机组工况改变后能对出水温度的控制平稳、迅速和精确, 出水温度与设定值之差基本控制在0.5 ℃以内. 关键词:空气源热泵;节能;直流调速;变工况运行;双工况 doi:10.3969/ j.issn.1006⁃7043.201207044 网络出版地址:http:/ / www.cnki.net/ kcms/ detail/ 23.1390.U1304.001.html 中图分类号:TU83  文献标志码:A  文章编号:1006⁃7043(2013)11⁃1432⁃06 Experimental research of the regulation characteristics in air⁃source heat pump with duplex mode under variable conditions CHENJianbo,WANG Yu (Institute of Environment and Architecture,University of Shanghai for Science and Technology,Shanghai 200093,China) Abstract:In order to effectively dealwith the current energy shortage situation,which isincreasingly gettingworse as energy consumption of buildingscontinuesto rise,while at the same time ensure improved levelsof comfort,an air source heat pump chiller with duplex mode DC speed controller was designed based on the high efficiency and speed changing characteristics of the DC compressor. One unit has two water outlets connecting the floor radiated air⁃conditioning system and domestic hot water system,respectively. The variable condition experiment shows that the units control outlet water temperature by regulating compressor frequency,avoiding large energy consumption and impact to the power grid due to repeated starting and stopping of the units. In addition,the duplex mode DC controlled heat pump chiller may control the outlet water temperature steadily,rapidly and acc


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