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核电厂一回路压力边界止回阀在线密封性能测试杨云斐,黄慧敏(中核核电运行管理有限公司,浙江海盐314300)摘要:320 M W压水堆一回路压力边界止回阀为核Ⅰ级关键设备,严密性要求非常高,直接关系到主系统的内泄漏率。焊接式止回阀维修后常采用密封面色印检查的方式,对其密封性能进行判断。 如果管道内有存水或者湿热水汽,会影响到色印检查的准确度。针对在线止回阀密封性试验的特殊 性,有的核电厂采用水压压降法试验设计过在线检测装置,但存在一些缺点和使用上的限制。文章 采用低压气密封试验流量测定法,设计出可靠、便携的试验装置,对压力边界止回阀检修后密封性 做出准确、定量的判断。关键词:焊接止回阀;密封性;在线测试;气压试验中图分类号:TL33 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1674-1617(2013)03-0230-06The Online Sealing Performance Test of the Primary CircuitPressure Boundary Check Valve in Nuclear Power PlantsYANG Yun-fei;HUANG Hui-min(CNNC Nuclear Power Operations Management Co., Ltd., Haiyan of Zhejiang Prov. 314300, China)Abstract: The primary circuit pressure boundary check valves of 320 MW pressurized waterreactor is a nuclear grade I key equipment. The sealing demand is very high, which is directly related to the internal leakage rate of the primary circuit system. After the welding check valve is repaired, the sealing performance is judged by color printing checks. If there is water or humid vapor in the pipe, it will affect the accuracy of the color printing checks. For the particularity of the online check valve tightness test, online detecting device is designed by the hydraulic pressure drop method in other nuclear power plants, but the method has some shortcomings and restrictions. In this paper, we design a reliable and portable test equipment by the low-pressure gas seal test flow measurement, which make accurate and quantitative judgment of sealing property after the pressure boundary check valves are repaired.Key words: welding check valve; sealing property; on line test; air pressure testCLC number:TL33 Article character:A Article ID:1674-1617(2013)03-0230-06收稿日期:2013-03-27作者简介:杨云斐(1974—),男,四川绵阳人,工程师,从事核电技术应用工作。230图1 便携式焊接止回阀在线试验装置结构示意图Fig.1 Structure of the portable welding check valve online test device1—试验阀盖;2—气囊;3—密封塞;4—支撑架;5—止回阀阀板;6—阀体中 国 核 电CHINA NUCLEAR POWER 第6卷 第3期 2013年9月止回阀在线密封性测试技术最早出现在西 方国家核电设备检修领域,目前核电行业焊接式 止回阀维修后普遍采用密封面色印检查来间接检 验阀门的密封性能,也有核电厂


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