求职过程中的性别歧视 英语.ppt

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求职过程中的性别歧视 英语

Sex Discrimination in Job Hunting --------by Jingyi Yang 133812025 1 Phenomenon 2 Reasons 3 Enlightenment Contents Sex discrimination in job hunting Phenomenon 单位简介:上海文化研究中心于2004年6月14日正式成立,为***上海市委宣传部领导下的事业单位。中心借助学术咨询、专家访谈、专题研讨、协议合作等方式,联手社会研究机构,协同各方研究力量,组织研究上海文化事业和文化产业发展中面临的新情况、新问题,为市委、市政府的重要文化决策提供科学依据和智力支持。欢迎有志于文化研究的人来我处实习。 招聘人数:3人 招聘要求:1、硕士及以上学历,党员,男性优先 2、对文化领域的人才工作、产业政策、行业状况、公共文化管理方面有一定研究 3、有较强的责任心 联系地址:上海市高安路17号上海文化研究中心 邮政编码:200031 联系人: 王老师 联系电话Email: shscsc@163.com Distribution of female employees in 2001 Top ten gender pay gap list NO.10 Retail industry the average income of female is about 79.5% of mens Womens weekly income :$504 Mens weekly income :$634 Wal-mart suffered the biggest sex discrimination lawsuit in American history NO.9 Wholesale business    Percentage :79.3% Womens weekly income :$648 Mens weekly income :$817 NO.8 Public Administration Percentage :78.5% Womens weekly income :$783 Mens weekly income :$998 NO.7 Information Percentage :75.8%    Womens weekly income :$756    Mens weekly income :$997 NO.6 Public service Percentage :75.8%  Womens weekly income :$780  Mens weekly income :$1,029 NO.5 Durables Percentage :74.9%  Womens weekly income :$655   Mens weekly income :$875 NO.4 Non-durables Percentage :73.8%   Womens weekly income :$577 NO 3.Health care social assistance Percentage:71.8%   Womens weekly income :$648   Mens weekly income :$902 NO.2 Special Technical Services   Percentage :65.9%   Womens weekly income :$872   Mens weekly income :$1,324 NO.1 Financial insurance   Percentage :62.2%   Womens weekly income :$738   Mens weekly income :$1,186 Reasons 1 A severe state of employment 2 Physiological differences 3 The developing Tertiary Industry 4 Traditional culture 5 Lack of supervision in job market Proportion of some excuses in


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