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其方差计算 [6] 如公式 (1) 所示:na a 2SA = / / (xi- x)(1)i= 1 j= 11 naxi = a/ xij (2)i= 1= SA (3)VA fa式中:SA——因素 A 的方差;xij——A 因素的第 i 个水平第 j 个实验结果,i=1,2,na ;j=1,2,a ;na——每个因素的水平数,na=3 ;注塑工艺参数对 PP 塑料件拉伸强度的影响研究路书芬 1,2,王利霞 1,申长雨 1,3(1. 郑州大学橡塑模具国家工程研究中心,郑州 450002 ; 2. 郑州电力高等专科学校机电工程系,郑州 450004 ;3. 大连理工大学,大连 116024)摘要:基于正交实验,研究了采用聚丙烯材料时,模具温度、保压压力、保压时间、熔体温度、注塑压力及模具温度与保压压力、模具温度与保压时间的交互作用对平板塑料件不同流动方向上拉伸强度的影响,通过方差分析对工艺 参数的影响度进行排序。拉伸试验结果表明,平板塑料件沿分子取向方向上的强度要高于垂直取向方向上的强度, 工艺参数对试样不同流动方向上拉伸强度的影响规律基本一致;方差分析结果表明,熔体温度对平板塑料件两个方 向上拉伸强度的影响均高度显著,拉伸强度随熔体温度的升高而降低。关键词:注射成型;流动方向;工艺参数;拉伸强度中图分类号:TQ320.66文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-3539(2013)01-0051-03Research on Influence of Process Parameters on Tensile Strength of PP Plastic PartsLu Shufen1,2,Wang Lixia1,Shen Changyu1,3(1. National Engineering Research Center for Advanced Polymer Process Technology,Zhengzhou University,Zhengzhou 450002,China ;2. Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering,Zhengzhou Electric Power College,Zhengzhou 450004,China ;3. Dalian University of Technology,Dalian 116024,China)Abstract :Based on orthogonal experiment,the influences of process parameters on the tensile strength of the flat plastic pieces with PP material in different flow directions are studied.The process parameters included mold temperature,packing pressure, packing time,melt temperature,injection pressure,the interaction of mold temperature and packing pressure,and the interaction of mold temperature and packing time.Process parameters effect was sorted by the analysis of variance.Tensile test results show that the tensile strength of the flat plastic pieces along the molecular orientation is higher than vertical orientation,the influences of process parameters on tensile strength of the specimen with different flow direction are basically the same ;the results of variance analysis show,the influence of melt temperature on the tensile strength of the two direction is highly prominent,the tensile strengthis reduced with the increasing of the melt temperature.K



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