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1000年来世界上最富有的6名中国人 美国《华尔街日报》统计了1000年来世界上最富有的50人,其中有6名中国人,他们分别是成吉思汗、忽必烈、刘瑾、和坤、伍秉鉴和宋子文。 现翻译如下: 成吉思汗(Genghis Khan )(1162-1227) Occupation: Conqueror 职业: 侵略者 Source of wealth: Looting 财富来源: 战利品 Assets: Almost five million square miles of land 资产: 五百万平方公里的 Claim to fame: Lived to humiliate his enemies 成名原因: 过着羞辱敌人的生活 If wealth were measured by lands conquered, Genghis Khan would rank as one of the wealthiest people ever. He began his career by uniting feuding Mongol tribes and then went on to seize almost five million square miles covering what is now China, Iran, Iraq, Burma, Vietnam, and most of Korea and Russia. Genghis Khan, whose name means Universal Ruler, conquered as much for the sheer fun of it as for the spoils. He rode a horse and slept in a tent. The greatest joy, he proclaimed, is to conquer ones enemies, to pursue them, to seize their property, to see their families in tears, to ride their horses and to possess their daughters and wives. 如果财富用占领的土地来衡量的话,成吉思汗将被排列为从未有过的世界最富有的人,他的职业生涯开始于联合不和的蒙古部落,然后开始占领了将近五百万平方公里的土地,包括现在的中国,伊朗,伊拉克,缅甸,越南,和大部分的朝鲜,俄罗斯。成吉思汗,他的名字代表的含义就是“世界统治者”,大部分的征服只是为了个人爱好中纯粹的乐趣,他骑在马上和睡在帐篷里。“最大的快乐,”他声明,“就是去征服敌人,去追赶他们,去抢夺他们的财产,去看他们家人的眼泪,去骑他们的马和占有他们的女儿和妻子。” 忽必烈(Kublai Khan)(1215-1294) Occupation: Conqueror and heir 职业: 侵略者和后嗣 Source of wealth: Inheritance 财富来源: 继承 Assets: Gold and jewels 资产: 黄金和珠宝 Claim to fame: Inspired Xanadu 成名原因: 改革华夏 Kublai Khan, grandson of Genghis Khan, failed in military campaigns against Japan, Southeast Asia and Indonesia, but he established the Yuan dynasty in China and built a sumptuous court of gilded cane at Ta-tu (now Beijing). Marco Polo marveled at the jeweled splendor of Kublai Khans summer palace, Shang-tu -- the inspiration for the Xanadu of English poet Coleridges work. Polo was also amazed by the


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