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贯入法及冲击筛分法检测砌体抹灰 砂 浆 强 度 研 究智1 ,张今阳1 ,罗居刚1 ,候晓熙2 ,岳亮亮1杨( 1. 安徽省水利部淮河水利委员会水利科学研究院,安徽233000;蚌埠2.中城建六局集团有限公司 二公司,安徽 蚌埠233000)摘 要: 为了解现有的砌筑砂浆强度检测方法的适应性,进行了试验研究。试验中主要采用了贯入法、冲击筛分法检测普通粘土砖砌体 28 d 抹灰砂浆的强度,并辅以点荷法,立方体抗压强度予以对 比分析。结果表明,冲击筛分法可以用作普通粘土砖砌体 28 d 抹灰砂浆强度的检测,而贯入法需要 进一步研究,以获得准确的抹灰砂浆强度回归曲线,方可用于现场检测。关键词: 抹灰砂浆; 贯入法; 冲击筛分法; 砂浆强度中图分类号:文献标识码:文章编号:1000-0860( 2011) 08-0031-04TB302. 1AStudy on strength detection of masonry plastering mortar with penetration methodand impact screening methodYANG Zhi1 ,ZHANG Jinyang1 ,LUO Jugang1 ,HOU Xiaoxi2 ,YUE Liangliang1( 1. Water Resources Research Institute of Anhui Province and Huaihe River Commission,MWR. ,Bengbu 233000,Anhui,China;2. 2nd Sub-company of China City Construction holding group Company,Bengbu 233000,Anhui,China)Abstract: In order to find out the adaptabilities of the existing methods for detecting the strength of masonry plastering mortar,anexperimental study is made; in which the 28 d strength of the plastering mortar for the conventional masonry structure of claybricks is detected with both the penetration method and the impact screening method along with the supplements of the point loadand cubic concrete compressive strength methods for the comparative analysis concerned. The results show that the impact screen-ing method can be used to detect the 28 d strength of the plastering mortar for the conventional masonry structure of clay bricks,however,a further study is necessary to be made on the penetration method for obtaining the accurate regression curve of thestrength from the plastering mortar,only in this way,it can be used for the in-situ detection.Key words: plastering mortar; penetration method; impact screening method; mortar strength的强度等级。尽管认为抹灰砂浆的抗压强度不需要太高[4],但是当出现与抹灰质量有关的争议或纠纷问题 时,不仅需要有一种方法来检测已硬化的抹灰砂浆强 度,还需要了解这种比例的抹灰砂浆对应的强度等级。 引言1砌筑砂浆在砖混结构中应用广泛,其砂浆强度影响着砌体的抗压强度和抗剪强度。目前对结构砌筑砂 浆强度进行的方法有贯入 法、回 弹 法、冲 击 筛 分 法、 筒压法等等,并有相应的国家规程,如文献[1 - 3]。 但是在工程实际中偶尔会遇到与抹灰层砂浆强度有关 的问题。众所周知,对于抹灰砂浆,在设计文件和国 家规范中仅规定了水泥和砂



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