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The internal cause of the financial crisis The impact of the financial crisis Why not china like other countries severely affected The external cause of the financial crisis Americas subprime mortgage crisis Domestic strife and foreign agression Financial order and fiancial development The lack of the world monetary system The governments economic rights 1.Americas subprime mortgage crisis 1)To stimulate the economy envoronment of ultra-loose planted hidden dangers. 2)To property as collacteral is the key to the risks. 3)The spread of the subprime mortgage assets securitization exacerbated the crisis. 2.Domestic strife and foreign agression 1)Conspiracy theories 2)Theory of law 4.The lack of the world monetary system 1)The increase in the money supply 5.The governments economic rights 1)The international economic system extension 2)political and economic power structure change The formation of the bubble economy Americas excessive consumption over savings and Asian emerging market economies The root causes of the economic crisis was a credit crisis The basic contradiction of the capitalist system The internal cause of the financial crisis 1. The formation of the bubble economy (1)Loose macro environment, there is speculation of funding. (2)Social foam formation and development of the lack of economic restraint. 泡沫经济的形成,有两个重要原因,第一个原因是宏观环境宽松,有炒作的资金来源。泡沫经济都是发生在国家对银根放得比较松,经济发展速度比较快的阶段,社会经济表面上逞现一片繁荣,给泡沫经济提供了炒作的资金来源。商品经济具有周期性增长特点,每当经过一轮经济萧条之后,政府为启动经济增长,常降低利息,放松银根,刺激投资和消费需求。 形成泡沫经济的第二个原因是社会对泡沫经济的形成和发展缺乏约束机制。从历次泡沫经济的发展过程看,到目前为止,社会对泡沫经济的形成和发展过程缺 乏一个有效的约束机制。对泡沫经济的形成和发展进行约束,关键是对促进经济泡沫成长的各种投机活动进行监督和控制,但到目前为止,社会还缺乏这种监控的手段 2. Americas excessive consumption over savings and Asian emerging market economies Americans are almost all consumer loans, while China and Japan and other countries are excessive savings 3. The root causes of the economic crisis was a credit crisis The credit crisis on the global financial crisis also played a decisive role. 4. The basic contr


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