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Human anatomy;Basic Concepts of Anatomy ;人体解剖学发展简史;Galen;我国人体解剖学的发展历程;人体解剖教学特点; Descriptive anatomical terms;The terms of the direction (方位术语); Anatomical axes and planes (轴与面);The Locomotor System 运动系统 ;Introduction of the osteology 骨学总论 ;;;General structures of bone骨的构造;; Chemical composition and physical properties化学成分和物理性质;Bones of trunk 躯干骨 ;General features of vertebrae;Regional variations of vertebrae;Atlas寰椎 (C1) Body and spinous process absent, consists of anterior and posterior arches, and two lateral masses Groove for vertebral artery 椎动脉沟;;;Thoracic vertebrae ;Vertebrae Body: larger, kidney-shape Vertebral foramen: larger and triangular Spinous processes: projects horizontally Transverse processes: long Articular processes: sagittal ;Sacrum ;;Sternum ;★ Sternal angle 胸骨角 ;Ribs肋: 12 pair; Characteristics of “typical” rib;Atypical rib;Bones of upper limbs ; Clavicle 锁骨;Scapula 肩胛骨; Humerus 肱骨;Radius;Fracture of the distal end pf the radius ;Ulnar;;Bones of Lower Limb ;Hip bone ;; Femur 股骨;Fracture of the femoral neck;Tibia 胫骨; Fibula 腓骨;Tarsal bones 跗骨; Metatarsal bones 跖骨;Skull颅;The skull is composed of 23 bones, which may be divided into the cerebral cranium and facial cranium ;;Frontal bone;面颅上颌为中心,上鼻泪,下下颌, 外颧内甲后犁腭,舌骨颈前单落脚。; Mandible下颌骨;The skull as a whole 颅的整体观;Internal view of base of skull 颅底内面观;Anterior cranial fossa 颅前窝;Meddle cranial fossa 颅中窝;Meddle cranial fossa 颅中窝;Posterior cranial fossa 颅后窝;Skull seen from below (inferior view); Lateral view of the skull 颅侧面观;Skull viewed from the front (anterior view) 颅的前面观;Orbit 眶;Bony nasal cavity 骨性鼻腔;Paranasal sinuses 鼻旁窦;;;General characters of the skull at birth


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