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Delem DA-60 Modusys description L:\Documentation\MANUAL\OUD\DA60MODE.WPD January 1999 Delem 1. INTRODUCTION The demand for more computing power and control functionality requires an intelligent, modular architecture as shown in figure 1. The front-end of the control is a stand-alone user-interface unit. This unit can be of various types and performances, thus guaranteeing a compatible system over a complete controller range, the DA-60 series. In this way the customer’s requirements can be met in a flexible concept. Via a 2-wire high speed bus intelligent I/O modules are connected to the front- end controller. Delem developed a limited number of I/O modules, limiting the diversity of products while remaining flexible to cover all specific machine control functions The DA controller can be interfaced with up to 16 modules. Each module has its own specific address which can be enabled by the user. Via the serial interface the modules receive new position information and can send back their actual positions. 1.2. Environment The following environment specification values are valid for the DM-01 module. Ambient temperature 0 - 50 C Storage temperature -10 - 70 C Relative humidity 90 % max. non-condensing EMC designed and built to meet the IEC-801 standard 2 Delem 2. DM-01 For auxiliary axis control, like R- and Z-axis, the control system can be extended with a single module type DM-01 each for every axis. Every DM-01 module has an internal unique number which can be detected by the DA-control via t


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