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( ) ( ) 实用口腔医学杂志 J Pract Stomatol 2003 J ul ,19 4 3·77 · 安氏 II 类 2 分类错牙合与先天性牙异常的关系 邹敏  周洪  李银霞  周军 【摘要】 目的:为了验证安氏 II 类 2 分类错牙合与先天性牙异常如过小侧切牙、釉质发育不良、多生牙、 易位牙、尖牙阻生和缺牙之间存在的关系。方法 :对 100 例年龄 12~42 岁未经历正畸治疗的 II 类 2 分类错牙合患者的病史、口内、X 片和牙模型进行检查 ,并进行样本百分比分析。结果 :结果显示牙异常 者占 50. 00 % 。7. 00 %的患者上侧切牙釉质发育不良 ,28. 00 %过小侧切牙 ,4. 00 % 尖牙阻生 ,9. 00 % 下切牙缺失 ,易位牙为 2. 00 % ,无一例多生牙。30. 00 %前牙 Bolton 比值不协调。结论 :安氏 II 类 2 分类错牙合与过小侧切牙、釉质发育不良、先天缺牙密切相关。II 类 2 分类错牙合前牙 Bolton 比值不协调 的主要因素是过小侧切牙和下切牙缺失。 【关键词】 牙异常 ;安氏 II 类错牙合 ;Bolton 比值 Association between Angle class II division 2 malocclusion and congenital tooth anomalies Zou M in , Zhou Hon g , L i Yinxia , et al . Depart ment of O rthodontics , S tom atological College of Xi ‘an Jiaoton g U niversity , Xi ’an 710004 【Abstract 】Objective : To study the relationship between Angle Class II division 2 malocclusion and congeni tal anomalies of dentition , Methods : 100 untreatedpatients (aged 12~42 years old) with Class II division 2 malocclusion were investigated by history , general examination , radiograph and tooth model. The data of congenital tooth anomalies were analysed. Results : Congenital tooth anomaly was found in 50 of the pa tients. Upper lateral incisor enamel hypoplasia was found in 7 patients , small size of maxillary lateral incisor in 28 , canine impaction in 4 , missing of lower incisor in 9 , transposition in 2 and anterior tooth Bolton ratio discrepancies in 30 of the patients. Conclusion : Angle Class II division 2 malocclusion is closely related to congenital tooth anomalies. The main factors of anterior tooth Bolton discrepancies may be the small size of maxillary lateral incisor and absence of lower incisor. 【Key words 】  Tooth anom aly ; A n gle class II m aloccusion ; Bolton val ue


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