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加拿大饮食 在不同地区可品尝到使用了新鲜材料的各国饭菜,量足价廉可以说是加拿大菜的特色。 两大洋岸是鳕鱼、鲑鱼的宝库 在这可以品尝到美味熏鲑鱼和鲑鱼牛排。 三文鱼:三文鱼的食法多样,千变万化。烤、煎、煮、烟熏或腌制,特色各异 枫糖浆:是加拿大最有名的特产之一 ,它味道香醇而且是纯天然制品,据说能养颜美容,还能减肥,深受欢迎 冰酒:把葡萄冻成固体,使手工摘压榨的难度大大增加。浓缩葡萄汁的产量也只有正常产量的五分之一,大多数的水分在压榨过程中都以冰晶的形式析出,所以倍显珍贵。 ? ? 春卷(Spring rolls ) 红烧狮子头(Braised Pork Balls in Soy Sauce ) 夫妻肺片(Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce ) 麻婆豆腐(MapoTofu ) 梅菜扣肉(Preserved Vegetable Pork ) 佛跳墙 Fotiaoqiang (Steamed Abalone with Shark‘s Fin and Fish Maw ) 过桥米线(Cross Bridge Rice Noodle ) 烩羊杂碎(Chop-sui) 烤全羊(Roast Whole Lamb ) ——Korea 泡菜(pickle ) 朝鲜辣白菜(Korean Cabbage in Chili Sauce) 石锅拌饭 Korean Vegetable Mixed Rice (BibimBab) * International Cuisine 早餐一般吃烤面包、鸡蛋、牛奶等。 午餐一般吃三明治汉堡等。 晚餐为正餐,主食为肉类及鱼类辅以蔬菜、面包和饮料。 在加拿大,牛肉是人们在餐厅里吃午餐和晚餐的首选食品。加拿大人吃牛肉方法花样繁多,但最经典的当属牛排。 Poutine普丁 ?????? Poutine是一种炸马铃薯条撒上了块状乳酪,再浇上香热浓滑的肉酱汁的小吃。如果想品尝这一美味的小吃,不妨前往蒙特利尔的卡第耶广场。Poutine非常美味,但也是一种高热量,可能引起肥胖的食品,小偿即可。 European Cuisine Russia Greek French Italian Germany French Cuisine delicate romantic expensive elegant Truffle (松露) Gooseliver Cheese Escargot(蜗牛) 鹅肝(Gras) 鹅肝(Gras) 法国蜗牛(French snails) Puffs are a kind of desert first made in Italy by chance. The Hapsburg dynasty in Austria and the Bourbon dynasty in France, two families of ancient western kings, had been fighting wars for a hundred years and were exhausted. The two sides reached an agreement to marry the daughter from one family to the son from the other family.Puffs were the main dessert severed at the wedding Cream puffs in france are a symbol of happy occasions such as a wedding or a baby being born. French people use puffs to make a tower they call a “Croquembouche”. Italian Cuisine Spaghetti 面条 Rotini 螺纹面 Farfalle 蝴蝶面 Ziti 管面? 意大利面(pasta) 意大利面(pasta) 通心粉(macaroni ) 烤羊排 (Roast Lamb Chops ) 披萨(Pizza) German Cuisine “French chiefs are cooking in heaven. German chiefs are cooking in hell.” German sausages are famous around the world. There are more than


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