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A War between Two Women 两个女人之间的战争 旁白:Hello ,everybody ,I am aside! Now I will lead you to enjoy a story about two women. (大家好,我是旁白!现在我将带你们去欣赏一个关于两个女人的故事。) Scene 1 In a shopping center购物中心 旁白:(Peggy and Lucy are shopping. They buy a lot of stuff. 《欢快街区音乐》Suddenly, they see a handsome man.) (Peggy和Lucy正在购物,她们买了很多的东西。突然间,她们看见了一个美男。) Lucy: Oh my god ! What a treasure! (噢!天哪!我的最爱!) Peggy: He is so handsome, just like my charming prince in dreams. (太帅了,简直就像是我梦里那迷人的王子。) Lucy: Look! He has beautiful eyes and he looks so gentle and charming. (快看!漂亮的眼睛,绅士的外貌!) Peggy: He’s a present that God gave me. (他肯定是上天给我的礼物。) Peggy Lucy: I love him so much; I want to be his girlfriend! (我太爱他了;我想要做他的女朋友!) Peggy: Hay! (Looks angry). Lucy, he belongs to me, OK?! (生气Lucy,他是我的,知道吗?!) Lucy: Stupid woman! I saw him first. He’s mine. (笨女人!我先看见他,他是我的。) Peggy: No, no, no, ugly woman. I saw him much earlier than you. (不,不,不,丑女人。我比你早看见他。) Lucy: What? (looks indignant). I’m more beautiful than you. (什么?(气愤)我比你漂亮。) Peggy: But I’m taller. Look at you, little short hobbit. (我比你高。看看你,小矮人。) Lucy: What? Little short hobbit? !You are a small-eyed girl. (什么?我小矮人?!你个眯眯眼。) Peggy: You’re so mean. (你太卑鄙了。) Lucy: You too. (Peggy and Lucy get angry) (你也一样。Peggy和Lucy变得都很生气) Peggy: Hmm! I hate you. (哏!我恨你。) Lucy: Me too! (我也是!) 旁白:(Now ,the war of these two women begins) (现在,两个女人的战争开始了。) (特色京戏段子) Scene 2 旁白:(Peggy and Lucy surround the man, and they are pulling and dragging the man. ) (Peggy和Lucy围在男人身边,她们正在推拉着男人。) Peggy: Please be my boyfriend, I’m more beautiful than Lucy.(she glances at Lucy). I’ll be a good girlfriend. (做我的男朋友吧。我比Lucy漂亮。(她瞟了一眼Lucy)。我会是一个好女朋友的。) Andy: Sure. You’re very beautiful. You’re like a super model. To be your boyfriend is my honor. (是的,你很美。你就像是一个超级模特。做你的男朋友是我的荣幸。) (Lucy drags the man to her side.)Lucy把男人拉到身边。 Lucy: I really love you very much. I can give you a happy life. (我真的很爱你。我可以给你一个幸福的生活。) Andy: You’re very beautiful, too! Especially your big eyes! They’re very charming! (


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