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FSM-IT installation Natal FSM-IT 安装于纳塔耳 FSM-IT installation – Natal -2 FSM-IT安装于纳塔耳-2 FSM-ITinstallation –Natal – 3 FSM-IT安装于纳塔耳-3 FSM-ITInstallationNathal 4 FSM-IT安装于纳塔耳-4 FSM-IT – Natal – 5 FSM-IT安装于纳塔耳-5 FSMLog instrument FSMLog正在开发中的设备 The FSM-Log development is on-going, and equipment will be commercially available in 3rd quarter 2007. FSM-Log 正在研发中,预计在2007年第三季度可投放市场 Equipment certified for use in hazardous zones 1 and 2. 经鉴定可用于危险区域1和2 FSM equipment at a much lower price than FSM stations sold earlier 相对于以前的FSM站更加便宜 FSM-Log can be integrated with CorrLog and SandLog in one common system, using same Field Interface Units and MultiTrend softare. 可与CorrLog和SandLog综合,使用相同的现场界面设备和软件 FSMLog with high accuracy alternative both to intrusive monitoring techniques as well as e.g. ultrasonic wall thickness measurements. 可替换插入式监测技术和超声波测厚技术,但精度大大提高 Advantages of FSMLog FSMLog的优点 Non-intrusive 非插入式 No risk for spills or leaks没有泄漏的危险 Increased safety in H2S environment提高在H2S环境中的安全性 Suitable for difficult locations, such 如适用于困难的位置 Measures corrosion directly at the pipe wall 直接在管壁测量腐蚀 No need for consumeables (probes, coupons) 不需耗材(探针、挂片) No need for intervention using retrieval tool 不需取放工具 Most realistic measurement of general corrosion, indication also of localized corrosion 最现实的测量均匀腐蚀、局部腐蚀(或指示)的方法 Suitable in H2S environment适用于H2S环境 Safety安全 Measurements not influenced by conductive FeS film测量不受导电性FeS膜的影响 Suititable for wireless, on-line systems at remote locations适用于无线、在线测量 Commercially attractive compared to earlier on-line FSM systems相对于早期的在线FSM系统更具市场竞争力 * * FSM-IT - The NDT Revolution FSM全周向腐蚀监、检测技术 FSM-IT FSM-IT:一种易于操作的精确检测方法 FSM- IT- Field Signature Method -Inspection Tool 区域特征检测法-检测工具 Corrosion腐蚀 erosion 冲刷腐蚀 Cracking裂纹 Based on well proven technology 基于一种证明了的技术 Accepted and used world wide by oil majors 世界范围内主要的油田普遍接受和使用的方法 FSM-IT- FSM-IT Applications 应用 Straight pipe sections 直管段 Pipe bends 管线弯头 Y- or T-joints


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