George Orwell生平及简介.ppt

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George Orwell生平及简介

born in Bengal(孟加拉),India his father---a minor British official in Indian civil service his mother---French parentage, daughter of a timber merchant in Burma Childhood: He studied in the most famous school “Eton”. morose(孤僻的), unsociable and disobedient a true rebel autobiographical essay Such,Such Were the Joys (posthumously,1953) Eton(伊顿公学) Marriage and Death Eileen O‘Shaugnessy Orwell’s wife died in 1945 and in 1949 he remarried a woman named Sonia Browell. Orwells second marriage was short-lived, as he died from tuberculosis(TB)(肺结核) in London on January 21st, 1950. And he was only 46 years old. Burma (1922~1928) He served in the Indian Imperial Police for five years and eventually resigned from the post in 1928. His service in Burma brought him a sense of guilt when he took part in the imperialist oppression led by the colonial people. Burmese Days (1934) England He was in poverty, but kept a close and penetrating look at the condition of the poor and outcast people. A life of poverty and the feeling of failure strengthened my born hatred on the authority, and it is the first time that I realized the existence of the working class. Using the pseudonym, George Orwell, he began writing articles for magazines. He joined the Spanish War and he was seriously wounded. The Spanish socialist forces divided into factions(派别). The faction he belonged to was persecuted, so he became pessimistic and depressed which led him towards the anti-communist attitude. A List of his works 1931 《行刑》 A Hanging 1933 《巴黎伦敦落魄记》 Down And Out In Paris And London    1934 《在缅甸的日子》Burmese Days 1935 《牧师的女儿》A Clergyman’s Daughter 1936 《让叶兰在风中飞舞》Keep The Aspidistra Flying  1938 《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》 Homage to Catalonia 1939 《上来透口气》 Coming Up For Air 1940 《鲸鱼之中》 Inside the Whale 1941 《狮子与独角兽》 The Lion and The Unicorn: Socialism and the English Genius) 1945 《动物庄园》 Animal Farm 1945 《民族主义的基本特征》 Notes on Nationalism 1946 《穷人之死》 How the Poor Die 1949 《甘地的思考》 Reflections on G


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