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HE1203 陈佳艺 123107530319;The Natural Gas Case (天然气案例) Supreme Court(最高法院) Austria(奥地利) No. 518/95 1996 ;In the fall of 1990, the plaintiff, a German company, negotiated to buy natural gas from the defendant, an Austrian partnership. (1990年的秋天,来自德国的一家公司作为原告,与奥地利一家公司—被告,购买了天然气)After a series of proposals and counterproposals, the plaintiff faxed the defendant on December 18, 1990, offering to buy 700 to 800 metric tons of propane gas from the defendant.(在一系列反复商讨,原告于1990年12月18日从被告那买了700~800吨的丙烷气) The defendant responded the next morning that it could ship the propane from the United States for delivery to the plaintiff in Belgium for $376 per ton.(第二天早晨被告回复说能以每吨376美金的价格以航运的方式从美国交付给比利时的原告) On December 19, the plaintiff sent a confirming fax agreeing to this price and confirming the other terms of contract, including that the propane would be shipped by a tanker from the US on January 2, 1991.(12月19日,原告发送一个确认传真同意这个价格和确认其他合同条款,包括丙烷气体应在1991年1月2日用油轮运输) ;Because the parties had not dealt with each other before, the plaintiff agreed to secure its purchase with a letter of credit.(因为当事人双方以前从未交易过,原告同意用信用证支付) In the 2:16 PM fax, the plaintiff asked the defendant to identify the place in the US where the gas would be loaded aboard a tanker, because the plaintiff’s bank needed this information before it would issue a letter of credit.(下午2:16分的传真,原告要求被告确认的地方是在美国——丙烷气体在那里被装船,因为原告的开证行在开具信用证之前需要这些信息) At 3:19 PM the defendant responded by fax stating that it was waiting to get the information from the US as to the place of loading.(下午3:19分被告用传真回复证实了得到了装船地点) ;Later the defendant wanted the plaintiff to order a larger quantity of propane to make the transaction more worth its time.(后来被告希望原告订购更多的丙烷气体让交易更值得花费时间) The plaintiff, in response to this request, contacted a Dutch natural gas reseller that agreed to buy 3000 tons of propane at $ 381 per ton.(原告回复了这一请??,与荷兰天然气经销商达成一致,以每吨381美元的价格购买3000吨) The plaintiff then increased its order by 3000 tons.(原告的订单增加了3000吨) ;On January 2, 1991, the plai


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