SKF 内部培训资料_mounted_bearings-CHN.ppt

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SKF 内部培训资料_mounted_bearings-CHN

Mounted Bearings Y-轴承单元综述 常见的Y-轴承单元 Y-轴承的组成部分 轴承的定位 偏心轴圏类型 紧固套定位和过盈配合定位 Y – 轴承的密封装置 铸铁轴承座 防腐蚀设计 更换方面的考虑 安装轴套的滚子轴承装置 分离式轴承座概述 公制轴系统为SNL,英制轴系统为SAF 所有模块都可接受直线或分级轴 两种类型都可使用公制或英制轴 中央基座、安全孔间隔、整体尺寸不可互换 根据标准生产,还有其它系列 分离式轴承座 (英制) 分离式轴箱 SAF、SAW、SDAF设计 适应客户定制需要 的扩展系列 SAF顶盖和基座 接合销对中顶盖和基座 顶盖悬吊于基座之上 可生成滴水槽檐 防止水在拼合线处产生毛细作用 在分离式轴承座中安装轴承 最终检查: 轴承座的支撑 使用0.050毫米(0.002”)的测隙规: 检查轴承基座和支撑面间的缝隙 按需要垫高 再次检查对中情况 检查轴承座密封 应在轴上和轴承座内对中 分离式轴承座负荷 轴承座的设计适于通过基座的垂直负荷 检查轴承座的强度 若可能出现偏离垂直位置的负荷, 重新评估: 静态安全因素 固定螺栓强度 润滑 滑脂润滑 100%填充轴承 使用油脂填充轴承座直到轴的底部 油润滑 静止油: 填充到底部滚子的中央 观测计的外部尺寸可在目录中找到 循环油:联系 轴承座负荷,盖螺栓负荷 标准8级盖螺栓 轴承座达到完全强度 当盖螺栓正确旋紧 轴承座正确地上好螺栓时 可在参考目录中找到正确的扭矩值 The selection of a rolling bearing pillow block depends not only on determining adequate service life of the bearing for the operating conditions of the application, but also on the adequacy of the housing to safely accommodate the magnitude and characteristics of all applied loading. Split pillow blocks are designed for predominantly vertical loads directed through the base. If the load direction is otherwise, care must be taken to see that housing selected has sufficient strength. It must have an adequate factor of safety against fracture and be properly assembled to carry the loading involved. Pressed steel housings offer a lightweight, economical solution suitable for simple working conditions. May be available with relubrication fittings. ?Mounting Instructions are provided in every box. Shaft Diameter Requirements and Setscrew Torque Recommendations are critical in more heavily loaded applications. Details, such as Speed ratings and recommended applications, are found in the SKF Mounted Products Catalog. Composite Housings have been available since around 1995. They provide outstanding corrosion resistance, especially in washdown applications. Housing strength somewhat less than cast iron but greater than pressed steel. They are dimensionally equivalent the their Cast Steel counterparts. All wide inner ring be


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