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北京市中小学生学平险研究 摘要 当前,青少年安全问题早己成为具有普遍意义的世界性议题。从20世纪70年代末起,西方发达国家儿童死亡原因排序中,意外死亡就一直居于首位。世界卫生组织1985年发布报告,就指出世界范围内约50%的儿童死亡是由意外伤害所致,死亡人数超过肺炎、癌症、先天畸形和心脏病致死数的总和。日益增多的学校事故所引发的学校和家长之间的法律纠纷、巨额损害赔偿以及由此带来的种种负面效应,不仅加重了学校的经济负担,损毁了学校在社会公众中的声誉,恶化了学校与家长间的良好关系,给学生本人及其家庭也带来了不幸和痛苦,甚至妨碍了学校正常的教学秩序,这些问题再度成为各国教育界、法学界及其他有关各界关注和亟待解决的热点和难点问题。本文首先阐述了学平险研究的背景、意义和方法,从社会,经济和法律的角度分析了学平险的环境和需求;然后通过对国内外学生保险进行综述,从实然和应然视角论述,从实践当中寻找问题,对未来做出展望,以期促进学平险健康有序发展。 关键字:保险 学平险 自愿保险 强制性保险 Abstract Recently, the safety problem of the youth has become a worldwide issue. From the 1970s, in the western developed countries, the accidental death rate tops in the order of the children death reasons. More and more school accidents bring about the law issue between the school and the children’s parents, the numerous compensation amount and the following side effects, which not only accentuate school’s economic burden, but also defame the school, deteriorate the relationship between the school and the children’s parents, leave misery for the students and the families, and even hinder school’s normal instruction. Thus , education circle, legal circle and many other circles begin to focus on the problems. The paper first expounds the background, significance and means of the research of the student’s group insurance. Then , based on the overview of the students’ insurance conditions at home and abroad, the author expects to grasper the relative theories and the conditions in practice. The third section in the paper explains the investigation on the students safety insurance in China. The author investigates and interviews the students ’s parents of nine elementary and high schools in Beijing in order to find the practical problems. According to the results of the investigation, drawing on the concerned experience abroad, the author tries to give some political suggestions on its use and predicts its development in the future. Key words: insurance; student’sinsurance; voluntary insurance; compulsive insurance 绪论 1.1概念界定 1.1


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