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艰难的国运与雄健的国民 李大钊 历史的道路,不会是坦平的,有时走到艰难险阻的境界。这是全靠雄健的精神才能冲过去的(1)。 一条浩浩荡荡的长江大河,有时流到很宽阔的境界(2),平原无际,一泻万里(3)。有时流到很逼狭的境界,两岸丛山迭岭,绝壁断崖,江河流于期间,回环曲折,极其险峻(4)。民族生命的进展,其经历亦复如是。 人类在历史上的生活正如旅行一样。旅途上的征人(5)所经过的地方,有时是坦荡平原,有时是崎岖险路(6)。志于旅途的人,走到平坦的地方,因是高高兴兴地向前走,走到崎岖的境界,俞是奇趣横生(7),觉得在此奇绝壮绝(8)的境界,俞能感到一种冒险的美趣(9)。 中华民族现在所逢的史路,是一段崎岖险阻的道路。在这段道路上,实在亦有一种奇绝壮绝的境至,使我们经过此段道路的人,感得一种壮美的趣味,是非有雄健的精神的,不能够感觉到的。 我们的扬子江、黄河,可以代表我们的民族精神,扬子江及黄河遇见沙漠、遇见山峡都是浩浩荡荡的往前流过去,以成其浊流滚滚,一泻万里的魄势(10)。目前的艰难境界,那能阻抑我们民族生命的前进。我们应该拿出雄健的精神,高唱着进行的曲调,在这悲壮歌声中,走过这崎岖险阻的道路。要知(11)在艰难的国运中建造国家,亦是人生最有趣味的事……。 National Crisis vs Heroic Nation Li Dazhao The course of history is never smooth. It is sometimes beset with difficulties and obstacles and nothing short of a heroic spirit can help surmount them. A mighty long river sometimes flows through a broad section with plains lying boundless on either side, its waters rolling on non-stop for thousands upon thousands of miles. Sometimes it comes up against a narrow section flanked by high mountains and steep cliffs, winding through a course with many a perilous twist and turn. A nation, in the course of its development, fares likewise. The historical course of man’s life is just like a journey. A traveler on a long journey passes through now a broad, level plain, now a rugged, hazardous road. While a determined traveler cheerfully continues his journey upon reaching a safe and smooth place, he finds it still more fascinating to come to a rugged place, the enormously magnificent spectacle of which, he feels, is better able to generate in him a wonderful sensation of adventure. The Chinese nation is now confronted with a rugged and dangerous section of its historical course. Nevertheless, there is also in this section a spectacle of enormous magnificence that inspires in us passers-by a delightful sensation of splendor. And this delightful sensation, however, can only be shared by those with a heroic spirit. The Yangtse River and the Yellow River are both symbolic of our national spirit the t


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