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结 束 语 防人因失误工作是一项重要、长期而艰巨的任务,需要付出持续不断的努力。 要做好防人因失误工作,达到卓越人员绩效,需要员工的个人行为、领导者的行为、整个组织的行为三个方面共同的提高。 掌握重点6大工具,关注细节,按照标准执行; 明确岗位授权,认清责任,操作时牢记: 人人都是一道安全屏障,安全问题人人有责。 我是最后一道安全屏障! Questions? 谢 谢! The inherent challenge posed by the need to ensure safe operations and the containment of radioactive materials has been imperative to the nuclear industry from its very beginning. Nuclear safety encompasses all of the technical and organisational measures taken at every stage of nuclear facility design construction, operation and fuel shut-down to protect employees and contractors, members of the public and the environment. It applies both to facilities containing radioactive substances and to the equipment used to transport fuel and waste. Nuclear safety is founded on the ‘defence in depth’ concept. Defence in depth’ consists of: Preventing incidents and accidents by taking into account, during the deign phase, potential equipment failure, human error and external factors (seismic event, airplane crash, adverse weather conditions, etc); Monitoring facilities to detect and correct operating deviations; and Designing and implementing measures to limit consequences of accidents that might occur despite the precautions taken. Safety is further assured through control and oversight by the appropriate safety authorities. This role is occupied by the Nuclear Installations Inspectorate (NII) within the UK. Operators operate under a formal permissioning regime. Site license incorporates 36 conditions spanning inspection, site boundaries, restrictions on materials, incident reporting, training, competence and change. The management of the field of safety science, as with any other viable scientific domain, has been continuously evolving over time. Reason (1993) has likened its development to three overlapping phases of safety concerns. 对班组长: 减少人因失误的六大工具为:工作计划和准备,任务分配,工前会和工后会,现场介入和工作监督,当即对于标准的坚持,沟通和协调。做到: 尽快消化和掌握交接班内容 明确当班任务并在班前会分配任务 根据人员的能力和状态安排任务 确保操作人员有时间理解任务 保证执行困难任
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