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Guangdong University of Foreign Studies School of English for International Business Module Information Pack Module Code: 3030201 Module Title: Introduction to Contemporary Business I. Objectives of the Module Global business today will become more important throughout the 21century. Global market is so dynamic that it is very likely for business students to have a career in global business. Introduction to Contemporary Business is one of the most important courses in college. The purpose of it is to provide students with a fundamental yet holistic overview of business domain. It generally covers all the necessary topics ranging from business environment, to business ethics, from bushiness ownership to facets of management. This module, Introduction to Contemporary Business, though based on western textbooks, is offered against the background of economic reform and development in China. It provides a broad understanding of the contemporary business community, its functions, terminology, concepts, principles and practices, occupational choices in the various fields of business as well as the place of business in the Chinas market economy as a whole. II. Learning Outcomes This module is an introductory module for first-year majors of International Business, conducted in English. It prepares students for further studies of the specific modules of contemporary business and lays a good language and conceptual foundation for students who need to understand, talk about and apply the key business and economic concepts. On completion of the module, students should be able to: Demonstrate a clear understanding of the aspects and correlations of business subjects; Understand contemporary business issues and concerns in both western and Chinas business context; Develop language skills in the fields of business and economics by comprehending business texts and express business concepts by summarizing, analyzing, criticizing and discussing ideas. Practice basic study and rese


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