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臺中榮民總醫院埔里分院 外文照護手冊 (英文翻譯) 目錄 留置尿管的居家照顧 (ome care of in-dwelling catheter) ... 3 膀胱訓練須知 (Urinary Bladder Training ) 6 膀胱照廔口照顧 ( Care of Cystostomy opening ) 8 管灌飲食 ( Tube feeding ) 9 蒸氣吸入、姿位引流、背部扣擊 12 ( Nebulization, Positional drainage and Chest percussion therapy ) 12 抽痰的方法 (Suction of respiratory secretions) 14 氣切管的照顧 ( Care of the traecheostomy ) 15 床上擦澡 ( Bed Bath) 17 翻身的須知及壓瘡的預防方法 (Prevention of bed sores) 19 高酯血症之飲食( Diet for hyperlipidemia) 21 排便訓練及甘油球灌腸 22 (Training of stool passage and glycerin ball enema) 22 需緊急救醫情形(The condition that need emergency care ) 23 臺中榮民總醫院埔里分院護理部 2 HOME CARE 留置尿管的居家照顧 (Home care of in-dwelling catheter) *尿道口分泌物,每天用沖洗大棉棒、溫水(勿加清潔劑)由上往 下沖洗,沖洗時男性包皮向下推露出尿道口。 *女性撥開大陰唇沖洗,每天至少一次,分泌物多時每天二次。 The urethral meatus should be cleansed daily using large cotton balls or swab and warm water using a downward motion (see above drawing ). *The male patient ’s prepuce should be peeled back to expose the urethral meatus. *The female patient’s labia majora is pulled apart during cleaning. Cleansing should be done once a day; twice a day if more secretions are encountered. *可剪一段褲襪,綁在大腿上以固定尿管,不可綁太緊,每 二小時 檢查是否受壓、扭曲、拉扯,並擠壓尿管、按摩下腹部(膀胱位 置)預防阻塞(男性:固定於大腿前側或下腹部;女性:固定於 大腿內側),固定部位可每天更換,以防皮膚過敏或發紅。 The urinary catheter is secured to the thigh with a segment of stockings, taking care not to tie this too tight. Check every 2 hours to see if the catheter is compressed, bent or stretched. Squeeze the catheter and massage lower abdomen (site of urinary bladder) to prevent clogging of the catheter. Secure catheter to the front of the thigh in men and between the thighs in females. Change the position of the catheter to the other leg every day to avoid skin irritation. *病人飲水量,每天至少維持2000CC 以上(包括灌食的牛奶) 每天可補充: (1)蔓越梅果汁240 CC或健康醋


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