Internet and TCPIP英文翻译.doc

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Internet and TCPIP英文翻译

原文: The Internet and TCP/IP CIW EXAM OBJECTIVE AREAS COVERED IN THIS CHAPTER: Define the Internet infrastructure, including but not limited to: the National Science Foundation network (NSFnet), the Internet Society (ISOC), key internetworking protocols. Identify essential elements of the Internet and locate Requests for Comments (RFCs) that define them, including but not limited to: the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) reference model, the Internet architecture model, Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), various Internet protocols. Define the functions of application-layer Internet protocols, including but not limited to: Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP), File Transfer Protocol (FTP), Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP), Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). The success of many businesses, academic institutions, hospitals, and even governments can be chalked up to networks. Networks provide an efficient system of connections so that users can file-share, communicate, create, research, and learn together, even though the associated users are miles or even continents apart. Networks are extremely popular for a very basic reason: they allow users to share data quickly. In the past, users had to place files on a floppy disk or print them and physically deliver them to the destination. Such “sneakernet” solutions may be appropriate or necessary in some situations, but when it comes to organizing and expediting the daily operation of a business, no better means exists than a well-run network. Networks allow information to be distributed quickly and easily between two or more computers. This is achieved with a system of protocols, cables, hardware, and (in some instances) other media, such as wireless technology. A network is two or more computers that share information via a physical medium and a protocol. Networking can include a small business network in one building, for instance, which is called a local area network (LAN), and a netw


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