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广东版高考完形填空专练 Bonnie ? A There was once a boy who liked nothing more in the world than to win. He loved winning at whatever it may be: football, cards…Because he couldn’t stand losing, he had become a(n)??? 1??? in all kinds of tricks and cheating methods. He could play tricks in practically every situation, without being???? 2?? . He won so many times that almost no one wanted to play with him. One person who did play with him was a poor boy. Always making the boy look??? 3?, the champion really enjoyed himself at the poor boy’s expense. But the champion ended up getting?? 4???? with all this. He needed something more, so he decided to?5??? for the national video games championship, where he would find some competitors worthy of himself. At the championship he was keen to show his???? 6?? , but when he tried using all those tricks and cheating methods, he knew, well… none of them worked. The??? 7?? had prevented any of the tricks from working. He felt terribly??? 8?: he was a good player, but without his tricks, he couldn’t beat a single competitor. He was soon??? 9?? , and sat there, sad and thoughtful. Finally, they?? 10??? the name of the champion. It was the poor boy. The one he had always beaten! The boy realized that the poor boy had been much????? 11????????????? than himself. It hadn’t upset the poor boy if he lost, because what he was really doing was?? 12?????? from each of his defeats. And from the experience he had been transformed into a real???? 13??? . From then on, the boy who had loved winning?? 14??? wanting to win all the time.?He was quite happy to lose sometimes, because that was how he would learn to win on the really important?? 15?. ? A. expert??? B. official??? C. lover??????? D. member A. copied??? B. expected?? C. murdered??? D. noticed A. ambitious?B. ridiculous?C. happy?????? D. lucky 8.?A. amazed??? B. embarrassed?C. terrified?? D. moved 9.?A. defeated??? B. caught????? C. scolded??? D. warned 10.?A. announced?B. asked????? C. sent?????


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