10.0 交换与VLAN.ppt

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10.0 交换与VLAN

交换和VLAN Switching and VLAN 深圳职业技术学院计算机系网络专业 教学目标( Objectives ) 1. 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address) 2. 两种交换方法(Two Switching Methods) 3. 配置端口安全(Configuring Port Security) 4.密码破解(Password Recovery) 5. VLAN操作(VLAN Operations) 6.配置和验证静态VLAN (Configuring and Verifying Static VLANs) 交换机三种功能 (Three Switch Functions ) 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address) 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address) 交换机学习主机地址 (Switche Learn Host Address) 交换机过滤帧( Switches Filter Frames) 两种交换方法(Two Switching Methods) 存储转发特征(Store-and-forward Feature) 1. 在转发之前整个帧被接收 The entire frame is received before any forwarding takes place. 2.由于交换开始之前要接收完整帧,较大的数据帧延迟较大 Latency is greater with larger frames because the entire frame must be received before the switching process begins. 直通特征(Cut-through Feature) 1.在接收完整帧之前,帧就被转发。 The frame is forwarded through the switch before the entire frame is received. 2.最快的是只要读到目的地址就转发。 At a minimum the frame destination address must be read before the frame can be forwarded. 3.这种模式降低了延迟,但是不进行检错 This mode decreases the latency of the transmission, but also reduces error detection. 直通分类(Cut-through Class) 一、快速转发(Fast-forward? ) 1.快速转发提供了最低的延迟 Fast-forward switching offers the lowest level of latency. 2.只要读到目的地址,就立刻转发 Fast-forward switching immediately forwards a packet after reading the destination address. 直通分类(Cut-through Class) 二、Fragment-free? (无碎片方式) 1.无碎片方式在转发之前过滤掉碰撞碎片Fragment-free switching filters out collision fragments before forwarding begins. 2.无碎片方式在转发之前要读到帧的前64字节 Fragment-free switching waits until the packet is determined not to be a collision fragment(64bytes) before forwarding 配置SVI地址(Configuring SVI Address) Switch(config)#interface vlan 1 Switch(config-if)#ip address Switch(config-if)#no shutdown 配置端口安全(Configuring Port Security) Switch(config)#int f0/1 Switch(config-if)#switchport mode access Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-


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