u1 I always like birthday parties课件.ppt

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u1 I always like birthday parties课件

Listening Speaking Yandian Middle School zhaoqing 学会描述生日聚会的单词和短语; 2. 学会用Would you like to????发出邀请; 3. 学会使用频率副词 4.培养乐于交友,与他人合作的品格。 学习目标 hold(举办)a birthday party make/cut the cake give/get birthday card [pɑ:t?] [ɡ?v] [kɑ:d] give/get present [?pr?znt] Free talk Would you like to talk about your birthday? (你想要/愿意······) Sing Happy birthday [s??] [h?p?] [ke?k] [k?t] A special(特别的)party [?sp???l] Would you like to come to my birthday party? Would you like to know something about my birthday? (你想要······) Years 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 get cards cut cake eat noodles sing game always(总是) usually(通常) often (经常) sometimes(有时) never(从不) I always get cards on my birthday. I usually cut cake on my birthday. I often eat noodles on my birthday. I sometimes sing on my birthday. I never play games on my birthday. Would you like to talk about your birthday? 100% 80% 60% 40% 0% speaking I ___ eat noodles(吃面条) cut cake(切蛋糕) get cards(收到卡片) get presents(收到礼物) sing(唱歌) hold a party(举办聚会) on my birthday. alwaysusuallyoftensometimesnever 总是 通常 经常 有时 从不 … … What do you always/usually/sometimes /never…do on your birthday? 1、Damings birthday is on ________. A.Sunday B. Friday C. Saturday Global listening Listen and choose Daming: Hi _____you like to come to my birthday party? Betty: Yes, Id love to .When is it? Daming:This Saturday, at my house. Tony: OK! I ______like birthday parties. Lingling: Great! Betty: What do you usually do at a Chinese birthday party? Daming: At the birthday dinner ,we eat noodles. And we eat birthday ____too. But my mother ____ makes a birthday cake .She usually buys a ______ one and I cut it at the party. Lingling: And we sometimes give birthday ______. Tony: Do you usually ______Happy Birthday? Daming: Yes,we always sing Happy Birthday. Tony: Do you sing it in Chinese or in English? Daming: We sing it in Chinese and English. Betty: Do you get


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