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企业库存管理与控制研究 现代科技的发展非常迅速,企业的发展变化更加迅速,产品的生命周期变的越来越短,企业靠新技术的变革,靠生产工艺调整带来的利润己经越来越少,而与此同时,服务意识的增强成为企业又一创造利润的重要来源,服务项目中储运环节就成为企业增加利润的一个主要源泉,所以,降低供应链环节库存就成为一个增加利润的重要部分。 由于宁波东源音响器材有限公司的总供应成本占据了总销售额的50%以上,而库存又是其中的主要方面,这就决定了对库存系统进行严谨分析并加以优化成本的必要性与重要性。通过库存管理降低成本是企业增加利润的一个极有潜力的途径。库存管理不当,会造成大量库存积压,会导致大量资金被占用,相应的管理成本也会增加。同时,库存管理本身的好坏,还会影响到供货的价格、质量和及时性,进而影响企业最终产品的价格、质量和供应的及时性,最终影响企业的竞争力。 本文通过对宁波东源音响器材有限公司的库存现状进行分析后,针对发现的问题进行分析,并运用库存控制理论中的ABC分类控制方法,以经典的设定服务水平的库存控制模型和“允许缺货、瞬时到货”的库存控制模型为基础,对不同库房的经济定购量和安全库存进行了计算,有针对性地提出了解决方案,最后从供应链管理的角度提出了对库存的改进设想。 关键词:库存、库存控制、经济定购量、供应链管理 ABSTRACT The pace of modern science is fast. So does the change and development of enterprises. The life cycle of products is getting shorter and shorter. Enterprises make less and less profit while they only rely on the new technology and improvement of engineering. While the enhancement of ;service; concept becomes another source of profit, Logistics becomes one of the major sources of increasing profit. Thus, the reduction of the inventory in supply chain becomes a significant solution of profit increase. TONWEL Audio Electronics Company#039;s total supply costs of which inventory is the major aspect occupy more than 50% of the gross sales. For this matter, it decides the necessity and importance of analyzing the inventory system rigorously and optimizing the costs. It is the utmost potential channel for enterprise to increase profits through the way to lower the costs in inventory management. If the inventory control is not done well, it will cause a large amount of funds to be occupied and used, and relevant manage costs to increase. Meanwhile, the quality of inventory management itself has an influence on the supply good#039;s price, quality and punctuality, and then the products#039; price, quality and supply time, finally the competition of enterprise. In the paper, I have researched the case of TONWEL Audio Electronics Company#039;s inventory, analyzed the problems, and made good use of the ABC classified-co


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