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1:Royal? Dutch? Shell? From Wikip?edia, the free encyc?loped?ia Jump to: navig?ation?, searc?h Royal? Dutch? Shell? plc (LSE:?RDSA, LSE:?RDSB), commo?nly known? as Shell?, is a globa?l oil and gas compa?ny headq?uarte?red in The Hague?, Nethe?rland?s and with its regis?tered? offic?e at the Shell? Centr?e in Londo?n, Unite?d Kingd?om.[2] It is the secon?d-large?st energ?y compa?ny and the fifth?-large?st compa?ny[3] in the world? accor?ding to Forbe?s Magaz?ine list for 2011[4]. It is verti?cally? integ?rated? and is activ?e in every? area of the oil and gas indus?try, inclu?ding explo?ratio?n and produ?ction?, refin?ing, distr?ibuti?on and marke?ting, petro?chemi?cals, power? gener?ation? and tradi?ng. It also has major? renew?able energ?y activ?ities?, inclu?ding in biofu?els, hydro?gen, solar? and wind power?. It has opera?tions? in over 90 count?ries, produ?ces aroun?d 3.1?milli?on barre?ls of oil equiv?alent? per day and has 44,000 servi?ce stati?ons world?wide.[5] Shell? Oil Compa?ny, its subsi?diary? in the Unite?d State?s, is one of its large?st busin?esses?.[6] Its prima?ry listi?ng is on the Londo?n Stock? Excha?nge and it is a const?ituen?t of the FTSE 100 Index?. It has secon?dary listi?ngs on Euron?ext Amste?rdam and the New York Stock? Excha?nge. [edit] Manag?ement? On 4 Augus?t 2005, the board? of direc?tors annou?nced the appoi?ntmen?t of Jorma? Ollil?a, chair?man and CEO of Nokia? at the time, to succe?ed Aad Jacob?s as the compa?ny’s non-execu?tive chair?man on 1 June 2006. Ollil?a is the first? Shell? chair?man to be neith?er Dutch? nor Briti?sh. Other? non-execu?tive direc?tors inclu?de Maart?en van den Bergh?, Wim Kok, Nina Hende?rson, Lord Kerr, Adelb?ert van Roxe, and Chris?tine Morin?-Poste?l. As of 1 July 2009, Peter? Voser? is CEO of Shell?.[20] Peter?, who is Swiss?, is the first? non-Dutch?, non-Briti?sh CEO of the compa?ny. [edit] Name and brand? A Shell?-spons?ored Ferra?ri F60 Formu?la One motor? racin?g car The name Shell? is linke?d


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