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ANGLO-IRANIAN OIL Co. CASE (UNITED KINGDOM vs. IRAN) 英伊石油公司案 MENU ①案情简介 ②争议焦点 ③原告主张 ④被告主张 ⑤法院判决及理由 △案情简介 The Judgment began by recapitulating the facts. In April, 1933, an agreement was concluded between the Government of Iran and the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company. In March, April and May, 1951, laws were passed in Iran, enunciating the principle of the nationalistion of the oil industry in Iran and establishing procedure for the enforcement of this principle. The result of these laws was a dispute between Iran and the Company. △案情简介 1933年4月,伊朗政府(当时称波斯)与英国一家私有公司——英伊石油公司签订一项协定,授予后者在伊朗境内开采石油的特许权。1951年3月到5月间,伊朗议会颁布若干法律,宣布对其境内的石油工业实行国有化的原则,并规定了有关程序。这些法律的实施引起了伊朗政府与英伊石油公司间的争端。英国政府支持该英国公司的主张,并以行使外交保护权的名义,于1951年5月26日以单方申请的形式在国际法院对伊朗提起诉讼。 △原告主张 The plaintiff’s claim 1. According to the Declarations accepting the compulsory jurisdiction of the Court made by Iran and by the United Kingdom under Article 36, paragraph 2, of the Statute, the court has jurisdiction. Although Iran maintains that, according to the actual wording of the text, the jurisdiction is limited to treaties subsequent to the Declaration, The United Kingdom maintains, on the contrary, that earlier treaties may also come into consideration, so the court has jurisdiction. △原告主张 2. The agreement signed in 1933 between the United Kingdom and the Company had a double character: being at once a concessionary contract and a treaty between the two States . So the British and theIranian government have responsibilities to the treaty between the two countries. Iran violated the agreement, which is a violation of the international treaty, and thus a violation of international law 3. To apply for interim measures of protection . △原告主张 1.根据两国曾经发表过的愿意接受国际法院强制管辖的声明,国际法院对本案有管辖权。伊朗1932年9月19日的声明指出:对于伊朗接受的条约或公约所发生的争端,愿意依照《国际常设法院规约》第36条第2款接受国际常设法院的管辖。英国认为该声明对于1932年9月19日以后缔结的条约也应适用,国际法院对本案应有管辖权。 2.1933年伊朗与英伊石油公司缔结的协定,既是一项特许权契约,又是伊朗与英国之间的国际条约。英国与伊朗两国政府根据该条约分别负有义务,伊朗违反了该协定,即是违反了国际条约,因而也违反了国际法。 3.向国际法院申请临时


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