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产科超声医师资格认证考试大纲 Outline of curriculum(课程大纲) Important notes(重要提示) I. Physics of ultrasound (超声的物理学) II. Instrumentation (仪器) III. Artefacts (伪像) IV. Quality assurance of ultrasound instruments (超声仪器的质量保证) V. New ultrasound technologies (新的超声技术) VI. Bioeffects and safety (生物效应和安全性) VII. Ultrasound as a diagnostic and screening tool (超声作为诊断和筛查工具) VIII. Basic scanning techniques (基本的扫查技术) IX. Estimation of gestational age (孕龄的估计) X. Assessment of fetal growth (胎儿发育评价) XI. Assessment of fetal wellbeing by ultrasound (超声对胎儿健康状态的评估) XII. Fetal structural anomalies (胎儿结构异常) XIII. Multifetal gestations (多胎妊娠) XIV. Placenta (胎盘) XV. Liquor (羊水) XVI. Doppler ultrasound (多普勒超声) XVII. Cervical assessment and prediction of preterm labour (宫颈测量评估和早产的预测) XVIII. Early pregnancy complications (早期妊娠并发症) XIX. Ultrasound markers of chromosomal abnormalities (染色体异常的标记物) XX. Principles of further investigation, patient counselling and management of fetal anomalies (进一步研究、患者咨询和胎儿异常处理的原则) XXI. Organization and provision of services (组织与推行产前超声服务) XXII. Proper use and mis-use of ultrasound (超声的适用及误用) XXIII. Standards and recommendations (产前超声的标准和建议) Recommended references (推荐的参考材料) Important notes (重要提示) The course outline here is for reference only. These represent the fundamental knowledge that anyone who will be or is doing obstetric ultrasound scanning should be expected to know. This is not an exhaustive list. In fact, you are encouraged to learn more than what are listed here. 这里的课程大纲仅供参考。这些大纲是任何将要或正在从事产科超声筛查的医生所应该了解的。这张表并不详尽。实际上,我们期望您能学习比大纲更多的内容。 Due to the rapid development in technologies and expansion of our knowledge, what were correct in the past might well be wrong today. Therefore, you are expected to update your knowledge continuously throughout your career. 由于科技的迅速发展以及我们知识的扩展,过去认为是正确的事情在今天可能是错误的。所以,我们期望您能在职业生涯中不断更新您的知识 This course is designed to be at Level 2 (screening for fetal abnormalities). Therefore, focus will be on normality and common abn


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