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世朗第一册 2页 当清晨的第一缕阳光透过窗子 扑向床边时; 惬意的感到清新, 让你在自然的世界里自由自在呼吸... 这一切世朗为您一一呈现!And shines on your bedside; A cozy refreshing feeling arises, Let you freely breathe in the world of nature… Shilang will present all this to you! 斯卡纹系列4页 品质生活 世朗创造世朗家具起源于香港;以生产板式家具为主的生产制造企业。世朗紧跟世界设计潮流。拥有时尚设计理念。将人性化理念融入到家具制造中。风格化的设计贴心细节的处理。营造生活的气息。为紧张的生活增添浪漫的色彩。世朗品质来源于精益求精的工作态度。优秀的设计团队。国内外先进的家具制造设备。科学化管理及完善的售后服务体系是世朗家具高品质的保证。’s a manufacturer concentrating on panel furniture. Shilang closely follow design fashion of the world. Owning fashionable design theories. Incorporate the humanity theory into furniture manufacturing. Stylized design and considerate detailed treatment. Build a romantic life. Add romance to the tough life. The quality of Shilang comes from the keep-improving work attitude. An excellent design team. Advanced domestic and foreign furniture manufacturing equipment. The scientific management and perfect after-sale service system is a high quality guarantee of Shilang Furniture. 世朗家具始终如一的是坚持服务于大众。义无反顾的进行技术革新“以人为本”“开发创新”生产出绿色环保,时尚健康的家具。“human-oriented”, “develop and innovate”, manufacture green and environment-friendly, fashionable and healthy furniture. 7页 简约才能赋予鲜明的时代个性!浅浅的胡桃色泽泛着淡淡的典雅和清新,典雅、自然既有历史的沉淀感, 又不乏现代社会轻松闲适的氛围。适合大众品味,配合现代家居实用, 风格独特,韵味悠长。融合现代家具的设计思想,表达出“天人合一”的至真至美。 It’s suitable for public testate, it’s practical for modern home, with a unique style, and a permanent lingering charm. It merges with the design philosophy of modern furniture, and expresses the perfectness of “integral of man and nature”. 9页 艺术在思想的锤炼中慢慢升华,脱离了形式和色彩的拘束,提炼出令人赞叹的精华;生活在感悟中趋于清淡,放弃了外在的修饰,渐行渐真。一切带有自然气息,毫不矫揉造作的事物,毫不刻意雕琢的美,都能让人久久欣赏,难以忘怀。 卧房系列 12页 简约是一种时尚,但它不是现代都市喧嚣中的附着物,它只是回归自然的体验,一种真生活的提纯。追求简约时尚,不是毫无内涵的随波逐流,而是自然和现代的都市情结。’s not an attachment in the noise of the modern metropolis, it’s only an experience of returning to nature, and a purification of a kind of true life. The pursuit of simplicity and fashion is not blindly following without any connotations, but it’s a natural and modern metropolitan comple


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