我的水利人生my fate with water resources.doc

我的水利人生my fate with water resources.doc

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我的水利人生my fate with water resources

My Fate with Water Resources 我的水利人生 ——Water Conservancy Management Bureau of GanFu Plain Jiang Xi, LiYu Dear comrades!Whether you are an ordinary worker,or a leader in an important position,whether you are a new-recruited green hand,or a senior master in the field of flood control,no one else may have more luck,feelings,stories with water resources than we do.We have chosen this career as our career and we have been chosen as companions.We feel proud, because you and I are water conservators.We stand here today to talk about our personal stories.Tomorrow, well continue dramatizing a wonderful life with dedication and pursuit. 同志们:无论你是一名普通职工,还是一位身居要职的领导,无论你是一位刚入行的新手,还是一位资深的治水大师,也许没有人会比我们对水利有更多的缘分,更深的情怀,更动听的故事。我们选择了水利,水利也选择了我们。我们因水利而感到自豪,因为你我都是水利人。今天,我们站在这里讲述自己的故事。明天,我们将带着对水利的执着与追求继续演绎精彩的人生。 I was born and grew up near the riverside.As a child, I was always staring at the meandering river out of my yard. I like this brimful azure green water.I like watching the sparkling wave blew by the breeze in the sunshine.In summer, I would jump into the clear water to feel the cool stream delighting my heart.Stretching my body in the onflow, sometimes downstream and sometimes upstream.Peeling off slow spiral shells, playing with agile fish, I was totally enjoying myself.This river has given me the most pleasing recollection and longing in my childhood. 我生在河边,长在河边。小时候,一出院子,看不够的就是那条宛然曲折的渠道。我喜欢这盈盈的一渠碧水,喜欢看着阳光下微风拂过的粼粼波光。夏天赤脚跳进清澈的河水,亲身感受这份清凉,心情变得格外舒畅。在碧波湍流中舒展身姿,时而顺流直下,时而逆流而上,游乐之余剥落慵懒的螺蛳,捉弄敏捷的鱼虾,尽情享受这水带给我的欢快。这条河给了我童年最美好的回忆和憧憬。 Blink of an eye, I graduated from high school and was admitted to the Three Gorges University in Hubei province.With a thirst for knowledge and curiosity for water resources, I came to this newborn city springing up with water and electricity.In a sunny weekend, I visited the Three Gorges with my classmates.When I saw the magnificent.Three Gorges Dam, the broad and calm valley reservoir, the huge and neat generating units, I cant help making a sig


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