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脚本回放 内容提纲 创建脚本的流程 调试虚拟用户脚本 哪些 Run-time Settings 被应用于脚本回放? Run-time Settings – Run Logic (运行逻辑) 设置操作块 Run-time Settings – Pacing (步骤) Run-time Settings – Log (日志) Run-time Settings – Think Time (延迟时间) Run-time Settings – Additional Attributes (附加的属性参数) Run-time Settings – Miscellaneous (其他设置) Run-time Settings – Speed Simulation (网速模拟) Run-time Settings – Browser Emulation (浏览器模拟) Run-time Settings – Proxy (代理服务器) Run-time Settings – Preferences (参数设置) Run-time Settings – Download Filters(下载筛选) Run-time Settings – ContentCheck (内容检查) General Options Settings (常规选项设置) General Options Settings (常规选项设置) 运行脚本 调试工具 总结 配置调试脚本时的 Run-time settings 回放脚本并使用调试工具确认脚本实现的功能准确性 测试结果窗口 执行日志 Snapshot 结果窗口 Run-Time 浏览器 When in script development stage, you are checking whether the script is running without errors and are not concerned with response times. In this case, it is recommended to play back the script without any think time. When running the script for debugging you do not want to playback the script with think time – this will slow down the play back of your script and also at this stage of script building you are not concerned about response times from the servers. Main objective here is to build a script that works correctly. So set to ignore Think Time. For the script to playback successfully make sure that you use the same settings that have used while recording the script. The main purpose for running the script in VuGen is to be able to debug. Stop the script as soon as an error occurs and correct the problem. The main goal when running the script is to find problems if Continue on error option is checked the script will run despite error. This is not desired at this stage of script building. The script should be stopped as soon there is an error encountered in order to fix the error and rerun the script to establish that there are no other errors. Emulate users using different connections modem, DSL, Cable are more relevant when load testing the applicati


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