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Unit 1 Live and Learn Lead-in ① Greet the class and introduce yourself. ② Tell Ss that, very suitably, the first unit is about learning and thinking. ③ Ask Ss in turn to tell the class what aspects of their learning they found hardest and how they would like to improve the way they learn and think. Active Reading: Thinking For Yourself Background information The text in Talking point presents in a user-friendly layout the concept of Multiple Intelligences developed by the American psychologist Hwoard Gradener and his colleagues. The older idea of one type of intelligence shared by all to a greater or lesser degree gave way to the idea that different people are intelligent in different ways. Intelligence can be thought of as a set of different kinds of thinking styles or skills, each of which is oriented to a different aspect of the mind and its relation to the world. Main idea of the passage There is not enough encouragement of independent thinking. Too much education merely tells us what to think instead of thinking for ourselves. A story then follows to show this point. It illustrates how one teacher rather cruelly showed her class they were not thinking for themselves by making them look stupid. New Words ① radical a. radical opinions or acts are based on the belief that important political or social changes are necessary eg: He surprised us all with his radical views. ② suspicion n. a feeling that you do not trust someone or something eg: She always treats us with suspicion. ③ thwart vt to prevent someone from doing something they want to do eg: Strong opposition thwarted the government’s plans. ④ dearth n. a situation in which there is not enough of something eg: There was a dearth of pens that day in class. ⑤ revere vt. to have a lot of respect and admiration for someone or something eg: He is revered as a national hero. ⑥ unmitigated a. used for emphasizing how bad or unpleasant something is eg: Last night’s performance was an unmitigated d


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