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基于仿真平台的回转式空气预热器故障模拟与诊 断1 1 2 1 3 李 庆 ,李 俊 ,饶金华 ,胡念苏 (1.江西电力职业技术学院,江西南昌 330032 ;2.广东工业大学,广州 510000 ;3.武汉大学动力与机械学 院,武汉 430072) 摘 要:回转式空气预热器的仿真模型是锅炉风烟系统仿真模型的重要组成部分,其动态特性直接影响锅炉 风烟系统的仿真效果。本文研究分析三分仓回转式空气预热器的原理及热力计算,建立其数学模型;并着 重进行三分仓回转式空气预热器的故障模拟,进一步验证空气预热器数学模型的正确性。本文首次用基于 仿真平台的空气预热器故障诊断技术,对其进行故障诊断。结果表明该方法十分有效,可以对空预器进行 初步的故障诊断。这种基于仿真平台的空气预热器故障诊断技术的应用,为实际电站DCS 上空气预热器建 立故障检测与诊断系统奠定了一定的基础。 关键词:回转式空气预热器,模块化建模,故障仿真,故障诊断 Fault Simulation and Diagnosis of Rotating Air Preheater Based on a Simulation Platform LI Qing1, LI Jun2, RAO Jin Hua1, HU Nian Su3, (1.Jiangxi Vocational Technical College of Electricity, Nanchang Jiangxi 330032; China; 2. Guangdong university of Technology, Guangzhou 510000, China; 3.Dept. of power, Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072; China) ABSTRACT: The simulation model of the rotating air preheater becomes an important part of the simulation model of the boiler, whose dynamic property has a direct effect on the simulating efficacy of the air and flue gas system. With the analysis of the principles and thermal calculation, the mathematical model for the trisector rotating air preheater is set up as the basis for the modeling. This thesis focuses on the accident simulation of the trisector rotating air preheater to verify the accuracy of the mathematical model of the air preheater. Fault diagnosis technology based on fault operating mode of the air preheater of the simulation Dias is applied in this thesis for faults diagnosis. The application of the fault diagnosis technology based on simulation dias provides certain ground work for the application of DCS data fault diagnosis technology to


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