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PAGE PAGE 1 河北交通职业技术学院 毕 业 论 文 二0一二 年 六 月 船体分段装配 ——部件装焊 专业班级:09船舶工程技术 姓 名: 杨亚林 指导教师: 甄宏杰 内容摘要 船体装配就是将加工合格的船体零件组合成部件、分段、总段,直至船体的工艺全过程。在这一过程中,船体装配分为船体结构预装焊和船台装焊两大部分,其中船体结构预装焊又可以分为部件装焊、分段装焊和总组装装焊三大道大工序。船体构件是指船体零件经号料、加工后可以进行装焊的,如肋骨、横梁、肋板、外板等。船体部件是指两个或两个以上的船体零件装焊成的船体结构组合体,如各种焊接T型梁、肋骨框架、首尾柱、舵、带缆桩等。船体构件装焊可以归纳在船体预装焊之中,预装焊不仅使大部分的船体装配焊接工作移至车间内进行,改善了劳动条件,又提高了装焊质量,而且为建立预装焊生产流水线,实现装焊过程机械化程度提供了先决条件。 关键词:船体装配、焊接、分段 ABSTRACT Hull assembly is qualified hull processing parts assembled into parts, stage, total section, until the hull of the whole process. In this process, hull assembly into hull structure welding and slipway Assembly Welding preinstalled two parts, including hull structure welding can be divided into parts and preinstalled Assembly Welding, stage and total assembly Assembly Welding three avenue process. Hull component is refers to the hull, materials, processing parts can be Assembly Welding after, such as the ribs, beams, floors, the board, etc. Hull part is to point to two or more than two parts of the Assembly Welding hull into combination hull structure, such as all kinds of welding T beam, therefore, a column, ribs framework rudder, with cable pile, and so on. Hull Assembly Welding component can be summarized in the hull pre-installed of welding, not only make the most of pre-load the welding hull assembly welding work moved to the workshop, improve the working conditions, and also to improve the Assembly Welding quality, but also to build preinstalled welding production line, realizing mechanization degree Assembly Welding process provides the prerequisites. Keywords: Hull assembly, welding,section 绪 论 船体装配工艺随着造船材料和连接技术的发展而变化,目前钢质海船船体焊接的装配过程,大致由下列4个步骤组成: 1.将各个船体零件装配焊接成船体部件。 2.由船体零件和部件装配焊接成各种船体分段或总段。 3.由平面分段、曲面分段和零、部件装焊成大型立体分段或总段。 4.在船台上(或造船坞内)将分段、大型立体分段和总段组装成整个船体。 前3个步骤通常称为船体结构预装配工艺。所谓船体零件是指经号料、加工后可供装配的船体构件,如肋骨、横梁、肋板、外板等。船体部件是指两个或两个以上的船体零件装焊成的组合件。如各种焊接T型梁、肋骨框架、尾柱、舵、带缆桩等。船体分段是由船体部件和零件组合而成的一部分船体,它又可分为平面分段、曲面分段、半立体分段、立体分段和大型立体分段。平面分段有


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