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1 RoHS 2.0 (2011/65/EU ) Exemption Exemption in ANNEN III ANNEX IV of 2011/65/EU (RoHS Directive) RoHS 2.0 附件III 以及附件IV 豁免清单 Article 5 … 2. Measures adopted in accordance with point (a) of paragraph 1 shall, for categories 1 to 7, 10 and 11 of Annex I, have a validity period of up to 5 years and, for categories 8 and 9 of Annex I, a validity period of up to 7 years. The validity periods are to be decided on a case-by-case basis and may be renewed. 针对附件I 中的1-7,10 和11 类产品的有效期为5 年,第8 和9 类产品的有效期为7 年,有效期的设定根据具体案例而定并且有可能更新。 For the exemptions listed in Annex III as at 21 July 2011, the maximum validity period, which may be renewed, shall, for categories 1 to 7 and 10 of Annex I, be 5 years from 21 July 2011 and, for categories 8 and 9 of Annex I, 7 years from the relevant dates laid down in Article 4(3), unless a shorter period is specified. * Article 4(3) : Paragraph 1 shall apply to medical devices and monitoring and control instruments which are placed on the market from 22 July 2014, to in vitro diagnostic medical devices which are placed on the market from 22 July 2016 and to industrial monitoring and control instruments which are placed on the market from 22 July 2017. 针对2011 年7 月21 日列入附件III 中的豁免,针对附件I 中1-7 类以及10 类产品,其最长的有效期为从2011 年7 月21 日开始计算的5 年,当然也 可能存在豁免时间被更新的情况;针对附件I 中8 和9 类产品,其有效期为Article 4(3) 中所述相关时间开始计的7 年,除非有指出特别更短的有效期。 * Article 4(3) :2014 年7 月11 日开始管控医疗设备和监控设备,2016 年7 月22 日开始管控体外诊断医疗器械,2017 年7 月22 日开始管控工业监测 和控制设备 For the exemptions listed in Annex IV as at 21 July 2011, the maximum validity period, which may be renewed, shall be 7 years from the relevant dates laid down in Article 4(3), unless a shorter period is specified. 201


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