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Lesson 2 Fluid Flow Turbulent flow profiles are flat compared to the more pointed profiles of laminar flow. Near the wall, velocities of the turbulent profiles must drop to zero more rapidly than those of the laminar profile, so the shear stress and friction are much greater in the turbulent flow case. Lesson 2 Fluid Flow Fully developed conduit flow may be characterized by the pipe factor, which is the ratio of average to maximum velocity. Boundary layer In most flows, the friction of a bounding wall on the fluid flow is evidenced by a boundary layer The boundary layer is the region close to the wall where wall friction affects flow. Lesson 2 Fluid Flow Boundary layer thickness is thin compared to downstream flow distance For external flow over a body, fluid velocity varies from zero at the wall to a maximum at distance ? from the wall; Boundary layers are generally laminar near the start of their formation but may become turbulent downstream. Review Fluid mechanics (流体力学) Shearing stress (切应力) Laminar flow (层流) Turbulence (紊流) Density(密度) Viscosity (粘度) absolute viscosity or dynamic viscosity(动力粘度); kinematic viscosity(运动粘度) Generalized Bernoulli equation (广义伯努利方程) Reynolds number (雷诺数) Boundary layer (边界层) Drag coefficient (阻力系数) Homework Pressure Variation Across Flow Bernoulli Equation and Pressure Variation along Flow Laminar Flow Turbulence Wall Friction Boundary Layer Lesson 2 Fluid Flow Li Qiong College of Architecture Engineering North China Institute of Science and technology Version: 2012-2013 Content 2.1Fluid properties 2.2 Basic relations of fluid 2.3 Basic flow process Lesson 2 Fluid Flow Flowing fluids in HVACR systems can transfer heat, mass and momentum. This chapter introduces the basics of fluid mechanics that are related to HVAC process, review pertinent flow process. Lesson 2 Fluid Flow 2.1 Fluid properties Fluids differ from solids in their reaction to shearing. When placed under shear stress, a solid deforms only a fin



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