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Chapter social needs strategy - why they pay
????1, evolved into a community of people from the clans in ancient Chinese society, Yap course not, as I described in the sound of the ear towards each other, never in contact with the small country social, but self-sufficient economy influence peoples interaction space is very small, personal, then move, mainly within the family. Basic necessities (textiles and garments, food, housing, farming), that the four survival of human activities, largely in the family house.
Family is a relatively small independent society, individuals from the family to obtain all the necessary life. Family became the personal life support system. A person, once away from home, it becomes a wandering from home, life will be lost to rely on. This family as the main source of income, known as clans people. Clan were able to maintain life support systems for long-term nature. Stability and broad nature, so the development of very large family, all of a surname people have been called one family, with a hard to write two Li word, Zhao word, Wang character , as a bond, to form a kind of rely on each other the relationship, it became a family for the expansion of the family.
However, by expanding the family approach to increase the scope of life-support systems, on the one hand inevitable as Cao Xueqins Dream of Red hug. Ba Jins Family, Cao Yus The Storm as described in the family tragedy; the other hand, life support systems as the tendency of society, individuals will be satisfied with small family living space, a general from the Home Trends will appear. When the familys personal life has not become the main space, the clan, in relation to the social man evolution.
A social man in the main living space is social. If the person is by blood relationship or clan as the link to form the individuals life support system, then the community who rely on social relations as a link to form the personal life support system.
Sociologists believe that social