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与现在完成时态连用的副词 already 已经 可以放在在句中或则句末 I have already passed the exam. almost 差不多 They have almost finished the work. nearly 几乎 She has nearly finished the homework. never 从来没有、不 He has never been to Beijing. just 刚刚 We have just finished the work. yet 仍 一般与否定句连用 放在句末 We have not finished the work yet 反意疑问句 现在在下雨,是不是?(反意疑问句) It is raining, isn’t it ? 现在没有下雨,是不是? It isn’t raining, is it ? 它是由一个陈述句加上一个疑问疑问的简略形式组成的。 在反意疑问句中如果陈述句是肯定的,那么后面的就应该否定;相反如果陈述句是否定的,那么后面的就要是肯定的。 怎么样写反意疑问句?3种情况 1.反意疑问句陈述的部分中用了情态动词 助动词 和系动词 She can swim, can’t she? 情态动词 He is a good man, isn’t he ?系动词 They have a beautiful house, haven’t they ? You will go to Hangzhou this weekend, won’t you? You didn’t go to school today, did you? 助动词 2.在陈述句中是实意动词 They went to school today, didn`t they? She ate an apple, didn`t she? 3.特殊情况 (p207) 与现在或将来情况相反的虚拟语句 虚拟语句其实也是一个条件句,句中用if连接 但是在if引导的条件句中的条件是与现在或将来的情况是相反的。 If I were a woman, I would wear dress. If she was my girlfriend, I would go to see film with her. If I won the lottery, I would buy a flat. If passed the exam, I would invite you to have dinner with me. 与现在或将来情况相反的虚拟语句的句子结构是: if + 动词的过去形式+ 主语+would(could)+动词原形 If I were a woman, I would wear dress. If she was my girlfriend, I would go to see film with her. If I won the lottery, I would buy a flat. If I passed the exam, I would invite you to have dinner with me. 注意:if从句可以放在句子的前面也可以放在句子的后面 ,但是在前面的时候主句和从句之间要用逗号隔开,反之就不用加符号直接跟在主句后面就可以了。 间接疑问句p214 介词短语 in spite of 尽管 In spite of the heavy rain, they still played basketball on playground. In spite of great efforts we failed to carry our plans through. apart from All the children like music apart from Bobby. Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. except for We all went except John. 系动词和类似的动词 系动词和类似的动词 系动词可以接形容词和名词 She is beautiful. She is a teacher. become和系动词一样可以跟形容词和名词 She becomes beautiful. She becomes a teacher. 还有些动词后面经常可以跟形容词,如look, sound, smell, taste 等分别表示看起来、听起来、闻起来、


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