中西方文化差异之植物课件 By Water Brother.ppt

中西方文化差异之植物课件 By Water Brother.ppt

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论中西方文化差异之植物篇 Cultural Diffreneces in Plants; Foreword:;Reasons:;Content:;一 红豆 Ormosia or Rea-bean ;Western Meaning:;二 lotus 荷花 或 莲花; Eastern meaing:; Western meaning:;Content:; 柳 Willow; Willow in China hailed sadness, but this sadness not related to death and lost lovers, it means the pain of separation. 在中国柳树喻悲伤,但这种悲伤却与死亡和失去恋人无关,而是指离别的痛苦。由于柳与留同音,在离别时古人有折柳送别的习俗:唐代大诗人王维在送好友元二出使安西的时候,也留下了客舍青青柳色新的佳句。; Western meaning:; Lily 百合; Lilies are representative good luck in China,it contains Chinese people’s good wishes that everything is well .So give lily to each other is a Chinese favorite traditional . 在中国百合是好运的代表,百合的名字中就蕴涵了万事顺心的美好祝愿,因此逢年过??互赠百合是中国人所喜爱的传统。 在中国的传统婚礼上 ,新人们需要吃百合,枣,花生,桂圆,莲子等,寓意百年好合,早生贵子,因此百合也成为美好婚姻的象征。 ; Western meaning:;Content:;仅仅存在于东方文化中的 梅花 的内涵;仅仅存在于西方文化中的 苹果 的内涵; Summary As Morgan said, The words do not have a fixed meaning, they will changed with cultural and contextual . In Chinese and English,The different meaning of plants attributable to different cultural and historical background. With the development of language, such differences will be more obviously. That is why when we are doing studies in literature or the cross-cultural exchange ,we should pay more attention on the language of the cultural and social background.In order to avoid communication errors. we should try to identify the cultural meaning of a language. ;总结;


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