中小企业银行业务的国际趋势- What is an SME for our participating.ppt

中小企业银行业务的国际趋势- What is an SME for our participating.ppt

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中小企业银行业务的国际趋势- What is an SME for our participating

中小企业银行业务的国际趋势 Global Trends in SME Banking 中国天津 2007年6月20日,21日 Tianjin, China, 20th/21st June 2007 托尼?李斯格 国际金融公司全球金融市场部征信发展首席金融专家 Tony Lythgoe Principal Financial Specialist, IFC Global Financial Markets 国际金融公司(IFC)的全球中小企业银行业务基准调查项目 IFCs Global SME Benchmarking Project IFC首创的针对中小企业银行业务的最佳实践基准研究 Pioneer IFC initiative to benchmark best practices in SME Banking 目的--明确中小企业银行业务的关键成功因素,找出业绩表现与商业模式、流程和工具之间的联系 Goal - to identify key success factors in SME Banking and highlight links between performance and business models, processes and tools 调查对象包括了五个经合组织国家和六个新兴市场国家的良好实践银行 Exercise includes good practice banks in 5 OECD and 6 emerging market (EM) countries 11家调查银行的选择基于IFC对中小企业银行这一行业的了解 Panel banks were selected based on IFC’s internal knowledge of the SME Banking sector in the markets involved 国际金融公司的全球中小企业银行业务基准调查项目 IFCs Global SME Benchmarking Project 目标 Objective 给参与项目的银行提供了一个有价值的机会: Provide participating banks with a valuable opportunity to: (i) 将自身实践与行业内的顶级机构进行比较 benchmark its practices against other top institutions in the industry and (ii) 为IFC履行其发展职能提供支持,帮助IFC在全球范围内提高各国对中小企业银行业务成功因素的认识,并与其它领先者一起促进中小企业银行业务在新兴市场的发展 support IFC in its development mission to raise global awareness of the success factors in SME Banking as well as promote SME Banking in emerging markets alongside other leading players 提高IFC技术援助工作的设计水平,为IFC的客户和合作伙伴带来更大的价值 Add value to IFC’s clients and partners through enhanced design of IFC’s technical assistance advisory work 国际金融公司的全球中小企业银行业务基准调查项目 IFCs Global SME Benchmarking Project 方法 Methodology 定性基准研究:对每一家参与项目的银行进行为期两天的银行访谈,与其讨论它们面临的主要挑战、成功驱动因素和为客户提供的独特价值 Qualitative benchmarking study: carried out through 2-day bank interviews to discuss key challenges, success drivers and unique value proposition of each participant bank 定量基准:定量数据来自于调研得到的信息和各银行提供的数据表 Quantitative benchmarks: gathered through surveys and data tables submitted by the banks 调查问卷的设计延用了IFC中小企业业务诊断工


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