主题句Write a Thesis Statement Claim.ppt

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主题句Write a Thesis Statement Claim

主题句 Write a Thesis Statement. Claim! 主题句Thesis Statement Persuasion EITHER / OR E everyone is doing this (bandwagon) 我得好朋友都这么想, 每一个人都(这么做),你也不例外! I Intellient peopleo buy into this (appeal to intellect) 聪明的人才会(做这种事,或有这种想法!) T This is good for you or someone you know (你做了)对你绝对有好处! H happiness will come for you or someone you know (做了以后)你一定感到很幸福和快乐! E every reasonable person would agree 只要有理性的人都会认同(我的想法)! R right – this is your right! (这么做)主要是你的权利! O opinion of an expert – he/she says it’s a good product/idea 有名气 和 有社会地位, 有权威的人 例如(我的校长, 总统, 我爸爸/妈妈, 某某名人)也认为这是好主意! R responsibility – this is an important responsibility (这么做)而且推广(它)是你的责任 With action? 有规矩和法律会怎样? What is a persuasive writing? 为什么有规矩不好? Why are rules bad for you? Why are rules good for you? 为什么规矩对你有好处? 请用相反的立场来反驳同学的想法。 Please take an opposite stand to argue why you don’t agree. 文氏图 Persuasive Strategies Claim What is an expository writing? Organization is the key. Topic sentences and thesis statements are the heart. Transitions are the glue for the key ideas. Examples, evidence, and explanation are the meat. Conclusions tie it all together. Big Names Logos Pathos Ethos Kairos Research What is a rule? 规矩是什么? Persuasion EITHER / OR E everyone is doing this (bandwagon) I Intellient peopleo buy into this (appeal to intellect) T This is good for you or someone you know H happiness will come for you or someone you know E every reasonable person would agree R right – this is your right! O opinion of an expert – he/she says it’s a good product/idea R responsibility – this is an important responsibility Five Elements of Expository Writing Organization is the key. Topic sentences and thesis statements are the heart. Transitions are the glue for the key ideas. Examples, evidence, and explanation are the meat. Conclusions tie it all together. Basic Concepts Organization is the key. Topic sentences and thesis statements are the heart. Transitions are the glue for the key ideas. Ex


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