仁爱英语七上学案 第四单元.doc

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仁爱英语七上学案 第四单元

Unit 4 Topic 1 Section A The main activities are 1a and 2a. 本课重点活动是1a和2a。 Ⅰ. Teaching aims and demands教学目标 1.(1)Learn the cardinal numbers: thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, hundred (2)Learn other useful words and expressions: madam, try, try on, buy,how much …? 2. Talk about shopping: (1)I’d like the yellow dress. Can I try it on? (2)How much is it? It’s only 70 yuan, madam. Ⅱ. Teaching aids教具 教学卡片 / 图画(片)/ 录音机 / 实物 Ⅲ. Five-finger Teaching Plan五指教学方案 Step 1 Review 第一步 复 习(时间:6分钟) 1.(教师提议Chant together, 即P16,4。目的:活跃课堂气氛。) T: Let’s chant: A, A, A. Go and play. One, two, go. Ss: A, A, A. Go and play. E, E, E. Come with me. I, I, I. Don’t be shy. O, O, O. Let us go. U, U, U. You look cute. 2.(教师留意穿着整洁的一位同学进行问话。目的:为引入情景1a Look,listen and say埋下伏 笔。) T: Ma Lili, you look cute today. Is your dress new? S1: Yes, it is. T: It looks very nice. I like its color. S1: Thank you. 3.(复习购物场景表示征求意见的表达。教师要求同学同桌2人为一组进行如下会话。) Your partner will go shopping. And you are the salesman. Make a dialog with him/her. Example: S2: May I help you, sir? S3: Yes. Two hamburgers, please. S2: Would you like something to drink? S3: No, thanks. S2: Four dollars, please. S3: OK. Here you are. 4. [复习已学过的数词,导入要新学的数词。教师在黑板右上方用粉笔快速画一幅由数字0~9构成的头像(如右下)。画完后教师向学生介绍说:老师画的是闻名中外的数学家陈景润的头像,他解出了世界上最难的数学题,他是一位了不起的数学家。目的:复习数词,渗透德育教育。] T: Boys and girls, can you find the numbers from 0 to 9? Where is zero? (教师让学生到讲台前指出0所在的位置。) Ss: It’s here. T: Where is one? Ss: It’s here. (教师依次让学生全部找出0~9的数字并回答问题。) T: Boys and girls, pay attention here. One and one is two. (教师在表达这句话的同时用手指或笔表明相加的数字。) T: What’s one and two? Ss: Three. T: What’s seven and five? Ss: Twelve. T: What’s twelve and eight? Ss: Twenty. T: What’s twenty and one? Ss:… (到此,学生还没学到 twenty-one,可能回答不上来。教师由此引入下一步。) Step 2 Presentation第二步 呈 现(时间:10分钟) T: Oh, it’s twenty-one. (教师呈现写有twenty-one的卡片,并把它贴在黑板中间上部,右边写阿拉伯数字21。) twenty-one21 T:OK. Today, we study UNIT 4, Having Fun, Topic 1, How much is it? Section


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