六西格玛项目- Improve BJDB parts supply.ppt

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六西格玛项目- Improve BJDB parts supply

Cummins Global Brand Improve BJDB parts supply performance to Yutong Project Background Zhengzhou Yutong Bus Company is a key customer of both DCEC and Cummins import engines. Recently, Yutong has experienced difficulty in customer support, product quality/delivery and aftermarket support. Yutong has also expressed strong desire to partner with Cummins to expand oversea. As the result of ABO and Yutong senior management meetings, a serial projects will be launched to address these problems and to capture the potential growth opportunities. Project Background Project Background Problems Identification Topic 1 – Cummins-YT Service Model Topic 2 – Service Response Time Topic 3 – BJDB Parts Supply to Yutong Plant Three 6S Projects Come Out Baseline Data MSA Data in column B was collected from Movex and calculated automatically by computer, and is consistent with the result counted manually by the belt Data in column A and C was estimated by BJDB CSR people and agreed by our customer from Yutong purchase Initial Capability Project Review Process Redesign VOC and VOB VOC: Customer Matrix VOC: Interview Guide What are the key problems in BJDB’s parts supply to Yutong? What is the current process? How does BJDB perform? What are Yutong’s requirements for BJDB’s parts supply? Where can BJDB improve to satisfy Yutong’s requirement? Analyse Requirements Key Requirements A shorter parts supply cycle time Key contact person Improvement suggested BJDB gives the credit to Yutong, so that Yutong can get the parts ordered before their payment Sign annual purchase agreement to replace the contract for every purchase BJDB keeps inventory stock based on the parts requirement forecast from Yutong Redesign Process Solution Design/Development Solution I: Provide credit to Yutong Credit was approved for Yutong in June, 2007 Credit amount - RMB 50,000 Credit term – 30 days After it was implemented, Yutong do not need to wait for the parts ordered until they finish the payment; after th


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