函电Letter of Credit.ppt

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函电Letter of Credit

Letter of Credit The procedures for issuing an L/C Kinds of L/Cs sight L/C --term L/C =time L/C =usance L/C revocable L/C -- irrevocable L/C confirmed L/C -- unconfirmed L/C transferable L/C -- non-transferable L/C revolving L/C -- non-revolving L/C divisible L/C -- indivisible L/C clean L/C -- documentary L/C L/C without recourse -- L/C with recourse automatic revolving L/C -- non-automatic revolving L/C Cumulative revolving L/C -- non-cumulative revolving L/C Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证 Back to back对背信用证 Anticipatory credit预支信用证, 全部预支clean payment credit, 部分预支partial payment credit (红条款信用证red clause credit, 绿条款信用证green clause credit) Standby L/C备用信用证 Specimen letters Advising the opening of L/C Urging Establishment of L/C Asking for L/C Amendment Asking for L/C extension How to check up an L/C Language Points draw 1. draw one’s attention to请…注意;提请…注意 invite one’s attention to call one’s attention to direct one’s attention to We would like to draw your attention to the fact that the validity of the L/C is drawing near. Please do your utmost to effect shipment without further delay. 请你方注意这样一个事实,信用证的有效期已临近。请尽力完成装运不得有进一步的延误。 draw 开出(汇票) 根据…向某人开出金额为…的…汇票 draw a draft on sb for an amount against sth draw on sb at sight for an amount against sth to accept / honor a draft 承兑汇票 to dishonor a draft 拒付汇票 We regret to note that our 30days draft drawn on you was dishonored. 我们遗憾地得知你方拒付了我们三十天期的汇票。 We have drawn a sight draft on you against the documents for the amount of invoice through the Bank of Asia . 我们已根据这些单据通过亚洲银行向你方开立了发票金额的即期汇票。 Please confirm that we can draw on you at 60days after sight for US$28,000 against your Order No. 328. 请确认我们可以就你328号订单向你方开出金额为两万八千美元的六十天远期汇票收款。 We have drawn on you for $1000 for the trial order. II. Urging Establishment of L/C Introduction (Textbook Page 166) 催证信的中心内容:告诉对方有关的信用证尚未收到,请对方尽快开证。有了上述内容,基本达到了催证的目的;如果还担心对方置之不理,也可以加一些劝告性的片语,向对方晓以厉害,以加强催证的力量。For example if your L/C fails to reach us by the end of May, we may be


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