京华烟云 四组pptPPT.pptx

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京华烟云 四组pptPPT

京华烟云 第四章 沐恩光木兰入私塾 探亲戚曼娘交新朋;;;;;;;原文:“Woman’s accomplishments” included primarily good cooking, neat sewing, fine embroidery, and if she was born in a scholar’ s family and taught to read, then also the ability to read and write, always a little poetry, but not enough to distract her mind and senses, a little history, and if possible, a little painting. ? 译文:“妇工”包括长于烹调,精于缝纫刺绣,若是生在读书之家,要能读能写,会点诗文,但不宜过于沉溺于词章以致分心误事,要稍知历史掌故,如能通绘事,自然更好。 ? 赏析:此段介绍了“四德”中的“妇工”。原文连续的名词表达:“good cooking, neat sewing, fine embroidery”;并列的被动语态“was born……taught……”;并列的名词短语“a little poetry,a little history ,a little painting”使得原文结构整齐;译者将“good cooking”, “neat sewing”, “fine embroidery”增译??“长于烹调”,“精于缝纫刺绣”,符合汉语表达习惯。;5. 原文:She seemed an antiquated rarity, like a picture that leaps out of the pages of an ancient book. Here was a type that apparently could not or did not survive in these modern days.;6.原文:Its whiskers stuck up straight in the air, its eyes glowered, and its fangs opened and closed with rhythmic ferocity.;7. 原文:The bodies were so perfectly fashioned, the heads so smooth, the shading of color on the armored backs so delicate and so perfect, and their legs were like Foochow lacquer.;8. 原文:Her eyes dark and expressive with youthful ardor, and shadowed now by her long, moist lashes.;9. 原文:Silence fell in the room.;;


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