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Unlike domestic politics, international politics takes place in an arena that has no central governing body.From this central fact flow important consequences for the behavior of states.In Part One,we explore three of them:the role that principles and morality can and should play in statecraft;the effects that anarchy has on how states view and relate to one another;and the ways that the harsher edges of anarchy can be mitigated,even if not wholly removed. POWER AND PRINCIPLE IN STATECRAFT Citizens,students,and scholars alike often take up the study of international politics because they want their country to behave in as princip1ed a way as possible.But they soon discover that principle and power,morality and statecraft do not easily mix. Why should this be? Is it inevitable? Can and should states seek to do good in the world? Will they endanger themselves and harm others if they try? These are timeless questions,having been asked by observers of international politics in nearly every previous era.They therefore make a good starting point for thinking about the nature of international politics and the choices states face in our era.Hans J.Morgenthau,one of the leading proponents of the approach known as Realism(also known as power politics),takes the classic Realist position:universal standards of morality can not be an invariable guide to statecraft because there is an“ineluctable tension between the moral command and the requirements of successful political action.”Rather than base statecraft on morality, Morgethau argues that state actors must think and act in terms of power and must do whatever it takes to defend the national interests of their state.J.Ann Tickner,commenting on the primacy of power in Morgenthau’s writings,explains that what he considers to be a realistic description of international politics is only a picture of the past and therefore not a prediction about the future,and proposes what she considers to be a feminist alternative.A world in


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